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Topics: 3260
- M. v. H., 132 D.L.R. 4th 538 (Ontario Ct. 1996)
- M.I.A., or Mythmaking in America (Franklin)
- M'Donough v. Danbury (1796)
- M'llvaine v. Coxe's Lessee (1805)
- M*A*S*H
- Ma'aseh Bereshit
- Ma'aseh Merkavah
- Ma'ayan ha-Hochmah
- Mabry, Marcus
- Mac Cormac, E. R.
- Mac, Bernie
- Macalester College
- MacAloon, John
- Macalpine, I.
- MacArthur Foundation -- Digital Media and Learning initiative
- MacArthur Foundation Research Network
- MacArthur Foundation Research Network -- The Changing Borders of Juvenile Justice: Transfer of Adolescents to the Criminal Court
- MacArthur, Douglas
- MacArthur, General
- Macartney, C. A.
- Macbeth
- Macbeth (Shakespeare)
- Macbeth, The Tragedy of (Shakespeare)
- Macbeth: discussed
- Maccabees, Maccabean revolt
- MacCana, Proinsias
- MacCulloch, John A.
- MacCulloch, M. J.
- MacDonald Jr., A. P.
- Macdonald, Dwight
- MacDonald, George
- MacDonald, George -- dread of woman in
- MacDonald, George -- fantasies of
- MacDonald, Heather
- MacDonell, Diane
- MacDougall, A. Kent
- MacEwan, Elias J.: The Essentials of Argumentation
- Macey, D.
- MacGyver
- Machado, Antonio
- Macherey, Pierre
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli, Niccolo
- Machiavelli, Niccolo -- and Luther
- Machin, David, and Theo Van Leeuwen
- machina mundi
- machine intelligence
- Machinimation
- Machlup, Fritz
- MacInnes, Colin: Mr. Love and Justice
- Mack, John
- Mack, John E.
- Mack, Julian
- Mack, Maynard
- Mack, Walter
- MacKay, David: A Place of Exile
- Mackeen, A.
- Mackensen, Fritz
- Mackenzie, Adrian
- MacKenzie, Donald
- MacKenzie, General Lewis
- MacKenzie, Norman and Jeanne
- MacKenzie, Scott
- Mackey, Johnnie Mae
- Mackey, Rob
- Mackie, J. L.
- Mackie.J. L.
- MacKinnon
- MacKinnon -- Catharine
- MacKinnon -- pornography
- MacKinnon -- sex and subordination
- MacKinnon, Catherine
- MacKinnon, Catherine -- dominance approach
- MacKinnon, Catherine -- sex-class
- MacKinnon, Roger, and Robert Michels: The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice
- Mackley, K. L.
- Maclaine, Archibald
- MacLehose, William F.
- MacLeish, Archibald, on poetry's retreat from politics
- MacLeod, J.
- MacLeod, Jay
- Macmillan
- Macmillan v. King
- MacNeice, Louis
- Macomb Correctional Facility
- Maconochie, Alexander
- MacPherson, Myra
- MacRitchie, David
- Macrobius
- Macrocontext
- macrocosm
- macrocosm, microcosm and
- Mactavish, Andrew
- Macurdy, Thomas E.
- MacWilliams, Mark
- Macy Conferences
- Madame Bovary -- analysis of
- Madame Bovary -- compared to The Awakening
- Madame Rachel
- Madame Rachel -- Beautiful For Ever!
- Madame Tussaud's
- Madame Whitesnake (film, Shin)
- "Mädchen"
- "Mädchen" -- in "Lieder der Mädchen" and "Von den Mädchen"
- "Mädchen" -- in "Wendung" ("Turning")
- "Mädchen" -- in Rilke's diaries
- "Mädchen" -- in The Notebooks
- "Mädchen" -- in The Sonnets to Orpheus
- Madeline Usher (character in "Fall of the House of Usher"), death of
- Mademoiselle de Maupin (Gautier)
- Madison, Bishop James
- Madison, Charles, on Debs
- Madison, James
- Madison, James -- and Bill of Rights
- Madison, James -- and citizenship
- Madison, James -- and foreign policy
- Madison, James -- and fraternal unity
- Madison, James -- and James Wilson
- Madison, James -- and leadership
- Madison, James -- and necessity
- Madison, James -- on Oliver Ellsworth
- Madison, James -- on suability of states
- Madison, James, Memorial and Remonstrance
- Madoff, Bernie
- Madonna
- Madonna figure
- Madrid, Spain
- Madsen, H.
- Madsen, Hunter
- Madson, R.
- Mae's Bar
- Maeterlinck, Maurice
- Mafia
- Maganuco v. Leyden Community High School District 212, 939 F.2d 440 (7th Cir. 1991)
- magazine detective fiction
- Magazine, Blackwood's
- Magaziner, Ira G.
- magazines
- magazines -- fashion
- magazines -- Japanese
- Maggiacomo, Matt
- Maggie Tulliver (The Mill on the Floss)
- Magic
- Magic -- in Hekhalot mysticism
- Magic -- in Merkabah mysticism
- Magic -- used by Dickens
- magic circle
- magic circle -- encoded rules and
- magic circle -- instances and
- magic circle -- not-play and
- magic circle -- play and
- magic circle -- RL and
- magic circle -- summary
- magic circle -- WoW and
- Magical thinking
- "Magician"
- Magiddim
- Magil, A. B.
- Maginnis, Patricia
- Magliocco, Salvatore
- Magnes, Judah
- Magnin, Edgar F.
- Magnum, P.I.
- Magtheridon’s Lair
- Maguigan, Holly
- Magyar Allam (clerical organ)
- Magyar Kultura (Hungarian Culture) (publication)
- Magyar Kurir (newspaper)
- Mahabharata, The
- Maharal of Prague
- Maharashtra Economic Development Council (MEDC)
- Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA)
- Maharashtra Slum Areas Act of 1971 4
- Maharashtra Slum Improvement Board
- Mahedy, William
- Maher, Lisa
- Maher, Lisa -- prostitution and drugs
- Maher, Lisa -- prostitution and murder
- Mahim Creek
- Mahler, Gustav
- Mahler, M.
- Mahler, Margaret
- Mahler, Margaret S.
- Mahler, Margaret, et al.: The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant: Symbiosis and Individuation
- Mahler, Raphael
- Mahmoudi, Hoda
- Mahmud, Sultan of Ghazna
- Mahoney, Charles
- Mahoney, Martha
- Mahony, P.
- Mahony, Simon
- Mahrer, Alvin
- Maid in the Garden, The (1897)
- Maidstone
- Mail-order brides
- Mail-order brides -- Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Mail-order brides -- development of market
- Mail-order brides -- from military prostitution
- Mailer, Norman
- Maimon, Solomon
- Maimonides
- Maimonides -- and Krochmal's Guide
- Maimonides -- Guide of the Perplexed
- Maimonides -- Mishneh Torah
- Maimonides -- Moses
- Maimonides -- obsolescence of
- Maimonides -- on aggadah
- Maimonides -- on interpretation
- Maimonides -- on rabbinic laws
- Maimonides, Abraham
- Main, M., and Weston, D. R.
- Maine Inside Out
- Mainstream
- Mainstream -- and the white norm
- Mainstream values
- Maintenance of Security Act (MISA)
- Mair, Nancy: "Shape"
- Maira, Sunaina Marr
- Maisons d'abattage
- Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (Gershom Sholem)
- Major, Clarence
- Major, John, Prime Minister
- Majoritarianism
- Make Room for Daddy
- Maker Movement
- makeup
- Making cookies
- Making It
- Making Love
- Making Malcolm: The Myth and Meaning of Malcolm X (Dyson)
- Making of Americans, The (Stein)
- Making of Myst, The
- Making of Silent Hill 2: Alchemists of Emotion
- making.
- Makkai, Janos
- Maklin, R.
- Mako (town)
- Makosh
- Makray, Lajos
- Maksimenko, Valerii
- Maksimov, S. V.
- Maksimović, Vojislav
- Malaby, T.
- Malachi
- Malachowky, Hillel
- Malamud, Bernard
- Malanchuk, O.
- Malbim, Meir Leibush
- Malchow, Charles
- Malcolm (case study)
- Malcolm (case study) -- background of
- Malcolm (case study) -- freshman year
- Malcolm (case study) -- junior year
- Malcolm (case study) -- on experiences with racism
- Malcolm (case study) -- on friends
- Malcolm (case study) -- on laziness in school
- Malcolm (case study) -- on overcoming discrimination
- Malcolm (case study) -- on the future
- Malcolm (case study) -- physical description of
- Malcolm (case study) -- senior year and beyond
- Malcolm (case study) -- sophomore year
- Malcolm X -- and argument from principle
- Malcolm X Foundation
- Malcolm, Janet
- "Male bashing"
- Male bonding
- Male bonding -- citizens and leaders
- Male bonding -- fathers and sons
- Male bonding -- fraternal bonds
- Male bonding -- intergenerational tensions
- Male bonding -- limits of
- Male domination
- male ego
- Male element in self, reconciliation with
- male gaze
- Male libidinousness
- Male role models
- Male role models -- importance of
- Male, the
- Malebranche, Nicholas
- maleness and hip-hop
- maleness and hip-hop -- construction of Filipino masculinity
- maleness and hip-hop -- masculinism or sexism
- Maleness, learning to love
- Males -- and reason
- Males -- and sociability
- Males -- disorderly
- Males -- order in the ranks of
- Males -- rivalry
- Malev, William
- Malevannaia, Larisa
- Malherbe, François de
- Mali
- Malinowski, B.
- Malinowski, Bronislaw
- Malitz, Zack
- Maliver, Bruce L.
- Malkin, M.
- Mallarmé, Stéphane
- Malleus Maleficarum (Jakob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer)
- Mallick, Rabial
- Malliet, S.
- Mallory, Robert
- Malloy, Robin Paul
- Malone, K.-L.
- Maloney, Andrew
- Malot, Hector
- Malpede, John
- Malthus, Thomas
- Malthusianism
- Malthusianism -- and Cold War
- Malthusianism -- neo-Malthusianism
- Malware
- Mamaladze, Irma
- Mamonova, T.
- Mamoulian, Rouben
- Mamrack, Caryn
- Man of Steel
- Man with a Hammer, The (Wickham)
- Man-man relations
- Man-woman relationships
- Man-woman relationships -- authenticity in
- Man-woman relationships -- Dickens's solutions to problem of
- Man-woman relationships -- equality and freedom in
- Man-woman relationships -- freedom as solution to problem of
- Man-woman relationships -- in Dickens
- Man-woman relationships -- in Great Expecta* tions
- Man-woman relationships -- in Our Mutual Friend
- Man-woman relationships -- realities of
- Man, The, as conservative aesthetic notion
- "Man" and pimp distinction
- Managed care
- Managed care -- and integrated care
- Managed care -- and organizational competition
- Managed care -- carve-outs
- Managed care -- effect on HIV care
- Managed care -- home care
- Managed care -- Medicaid
- Management style
- Management, Japanese-style
- Managerial employees
- Managerialism
- managers
- Manahan, N.
- Manalansan, Martin F., IV
- Manasseh
- Manchurian action films
- Mandate function
- Mandatory bargaining subjects
- Mandatory bargaining subjects -- employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)
- Mandatory bargaining subjects -- fringe benefits
- Mandatory injunctions against employers
- Mandela, Nelson
- Mandelbrot, B.
- Mandell, Laura
- Mandell, Laura -- "Evaluating Digital Scholarship"
- Mandelstam, Nadezhda
- Mandrosz-Wroblewska, J.
- Mandvi, Aasif
- Mangano, Jim
- Mangano, Vincent
- mangle notion
- Manhattan (movie)
- Manhole, The
- manhood
- Manhood -- and blood
- Manhood -- and citizenship
- Manhood -- and deference
- Manhood -- and family rule
- Manhood -- and family status
- Manhood -- and fraternity
- Manhood -- and immortality
- Manhood -- and leadership
- Manhood -- and liberty
- Manhood -- and military service
- Manhood -- and nationhood
- Manhood -- and procreation
- Manhood -- and property
- Manhood -- and reputation
- Manhood -- and respectability
- Manhood -- and self-restraint
- Manhood -- and self-sacrifice
- Manhood -- and space
- Manhood -- and time
- Manhood -- and womanhood
- Manhood -- aristocratic
- Manhood -- black exceptions to
- Manhood -- consensual norms of
- Manhood -- heroic
- Manhood -- in opposition to slavery
- Manhood -- in opposition to womanhood
- Manhood -- in opposition to youth
- Manhood -- international norms of
- Manhood -- republican
- Manhood -- self-made
- Manhood -- the better sort
- Manhood -- unifying threads of
- Manhood -- versus individualism
- Manhunt
- Manic
- Manic -- depressive syndromes
- Manic -- energy
- Manic reparation
- Manifest Destiny
- Manifesto 2.0
- Manion, Daniel
- Manipulation
- Maniscalco, P.
- Manji, Rizwan
- Mankato, MN
- Mankekar, P.
- Mankiewicz, F.
- Mann, Daniel
- Mann, Dick
- Mann, I.
- Mann, James
- Mann, Jill
- Mann, Thomas
- Manna, Bobby
- manners
- Mannheim, Karl
- Manning, E. S.
- Manning, William
- Mannings, the
- Mannion, K.
- Mannur, Anita
- Manovich, L.
- Manovich, Lev
- Mansfield Amendment
- Mansfield Park (Austen)
- Mansfield, H. C., Jr.
- Mansfield, Mike
- manslaughter
- Manson, Charles
- Mantinband, Charles
- manual labor
- Manual schools
- Manual v. Westlake Polymers Corporation, F.3d 758 (5th Cir. 1995)
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing -- agriculture and
- Manufacturing -- and African American employment
- Manufacturing -- and effect on wages of reduced reliance on human labor
- Manufacturing -- growth in
- Manufacturing -- problems in
- Manufacturing -- third-world
- Manulife
- manuscript review process
- Manuscripts
- Manuscripts -- fair and foul copies
- manuscripts, materials and layout and
- "Many Thousands Gone"
- Manzini, Ezio
- Maori
- Map Communication Model
- Map mashup
- map units per second (MUS)
- MapCruncher
- Mapmaking
- mappa mundi
- mapping
- Mapping Age
- Mapping Texts
- Mapping the Republic of Letters
- Mapplethorpe, Robert
- MapQuest
- maps
- maps -- fire insurance
- maps -- panoramic
- Maquet, Jacques J. P.
- Maquilladora system
- Marable, Manning
- maral-obe
- Marangello, Nicholas
- Maraniss, D.
- Maraniss, David
- Maratha caste
- Marburg
- Marbury v. Madison
- Marbury v. Madison (1803)
- Marcel, Gabriel
- Marcell, David
- Marcello, Carlos
- March First Independence Movement
- March on Washington
- March on Washington (1993)
- March on Washington (MOW 93)
- March, J. G.
- Marckmann, H.
- Marco Polo
- Marcus (case study)
- Marcus (case study) -- on experiences with racism
- Marcus (case study) -- on friends
- Marcus, E.
- Marcus, H.
- Marcus, Maeva
- Marcus, Maeva -- on Invalid Pensioners Act
- Marcus, Maeva -- on origins of judicial review
- Marcus, Maeva -- on pre-Marshall Court
- Marcus, Steven
- Marcuse, H.
- Marcuse, Herbert
- Marcuse, Herbert, on tolerance and referenda
- Marcuse, Ludwig
- Marder, Janet
- Mardi Gras
- Mardi Gras -- post–Katrina
- Mardi Gras Indians
- Mardi Gras Indians -- to Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs
- Mardi Gras Service Corps
- Mardrus, J.-C. -- Queen of Sheba, The
- Mardrus, J.-C. -- Works: Book of a Thousand and One Nights, The
- Marei (Dostoevsky)
- Margaret (Henry VI)
- Margaretha von Ebner
- Marginality
- marginalization
- Margolin, M.
- Margoliot, Reuben
- Margolis, Dave
- Margolis, J.
- Marie (case study)
- Marie (case study) -- conceptually clustered matrix for relationship with boyfriends
- Marie (case study) -- on effect of interviewer's sex and race
- Marie (case study) -- on experiences with racism
- Marie (case study) -- on experiences with sexism
- Marie (case study) -- on friends
- Marie (case study) -- on laziness in school
- Marie (case study) -- on mother
- Marie (case study) -- on overcoming discrimination
- Marie (case study) -- on speaking out
- Marie (case study) -- on the future
- Marie de France
- Marie-Claire
- Mariel Boatlift
- Marieskind, Helen
- Marijuana
- Marijuana use
- Marin County, CA
- Marina (Eliot)
- Marine Corps
- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso
- Marinoff v. HEW
- Marion, Jean-Luc
- Maris, Peter
- Marital difficulties
- Marital feudalism
- Marital feudalism -- and rural prostitution
- Marital feudalism -- China
- Marjorie Morningstar (movie)
- Mark (class member)
- Mark (class member) -- class relationships
- Mark (class member) -- ego network of
- Mark (class member) -- Facebook and
- Mark (class member) -- learning space
- Mark (class member) -- media restrictions for
- Mark (class member) -- on learning activities' social nature
- Mark, Rebecca
- Mark, Rebecca -- "Another Evacuation Story"
- Markale, Jean
- Markel (Dostoevsky)
- Market
- Market -- as methodological archetype
- Market -- effects on personality
- Market -- neutrality of
- Market -- social life as
- Market clearance
- Market demand for prostitution
- Market demand for prostitution -- and industrialization
- Market demand for prostitution -- global market in women
- Market economy
- Market economy -- and human rights
- Market economy -- results of exclusion
- Market economy -- Vietnam
- Market exchanges, tyranny and
- Market imperialism
- Market interaction, nonmarket interaction and
- Market mechanisms, in socialist regimes
- Market relations
- Market socialism
- Market socialism -- efficiency and
- Market socialism -- interest rates and
- Market socialism -- neutrality and
- Marketing
- Marketing (campaign, research)
- marketization
- Markets, barriers to
- Marketwatch
- Markoff, John
- Markov, VI.
- Marković, Ante
- Marković, Mihailo
- Marković, Mihailo -- denounces U.S. role in Persian Gulf War
- Marks, C. E.
- Marks, Laura U.
- Marks, M.
- Markus, G.
- Markusen, Ann
- Marley, Bob
- Marley, Robert Nesta
- Marlow (Lord Jim)
- Marmeladova, Sonia (Dostoevsky)
- Marmor, J.
- Marmor, Theodore
- Marothy, Karoly
- Marotta, T.
- Marquez, Mercedes
- Marra, Robert
- Marranos
- marriage
- Marriage -- and adultery
- Marriage -- and citizenship
- Marriage -- and control of women
- Marriage -- and divorce
- Marriage -- and fulfillment
- Marriage -- and gender
- Marriage -- and individualism
- Marriage -- and male sex right
- Marriage -- and property
- Marriage -- as duty
- Marriage -- benefits of
- Marriage -- companionate ideals of
- Marriage -- Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Marriage -- denial of abuse
- Marriage -- Dickens's attitude toward
- Marriage -- Dickens's insights into
- Marriage -- exclusion of gay and lesbian people
- Marriage -- female sexual slavery
- Marriage -- in Dickens
- Marriage -- incentives to
- Marriage -- interracial
- Marriage -- power relations
- Marriage -- preparation of women for
- Marriage -- privatized sexual exploitation
- Marriage -- taming effect of
- Marriage -- validation of pornographic sex
- Marriage -- Victorian
- Marriage Act of 1895
- marriage counseling
- marriage education
- Marriage Law of 1941
- marriage manuals
- Marriage, rules of
- Married Love (Stopes)
- Married Women's Property Act of 1882
- Married Women's Property Acts
- Marriott, Alice
- Marris, P.
- Marrou, H. I.
- Marrow, J.
- Mars
- Marsalis, Delfeayo
- Marsalis, Jason
- Marsh v. Chambers
- Marsh, Bill
- Marshak, Abbey
- Marshall Court, compared to Jay Court
- Marshall, Alfred
- Marshall, Bonnie
- Marshall, Don
- Marshall, Don -- interview
- Marshall, George
- Marshall, John
- Marshall, John -- and innovations on the Supreme Court
- Marshall, John -- and judicial review
- Marshall, John -- and Marbury v. Madison (1803)
- Marshall, John -- and seriatim opinion writing
- Marshall, John -- and textualism
- Marshall, John -- and William Cushing
- Marshall, John -- apotheosis of
- Marshall, John -- Bushrod Washington's differences with, on bankruptcy law
- Marshall, John -- Bushrod Washington's differences with, on interpreting statutes
- Marshall, John -- Bushrod Washington's professional association and friendship with
- Marshall, John -- compared to John Jay
- Marshall, John -- on suability of states
- Marshall, John -- political skills of
- Marshall, John -- profits from public service
- Marshall, John -- significance of
- Marshall, John -- witness at Chase impeachment trial
- Marshall, Justice Thurgood -- and Clarence Thomas
- Marshall, Justice Thurgood -- and death penalty
- Marshall, Justice Thurgood -- and liberal empathy
- Marshall, Justice Thurgood -- and persuasive legal argument
- Marshall, Justice Thurgood -- and Stephen Carter
- Marshall, Kathryn
- Marshall, Lauren
- Marshall, Louis
- Marshall, Paule
- Marshall, Ray
- Marshalsea
- Marshalsea -- as society
- Marsiglio (of Padua)
- Marsupilami
- Marti, Pierre-Antoine
- martial arts films
- Martić, Milan
- Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)
- Martin Luther King Elementary School
- Martin v. Hunter's Lessee
- Martin, Albert
- Martin, Amy
- Martin, Andrew
- Martin, Andrew: day in the life of
- Martin, Biddy
- Martin, Dale
- Martin, Emily
- Martin, Eva San
- Martin, Isaac
- Martin, Jerry
- Martin, Jerry Z.
- Martin, Marsha A.
- Martin, Paula J. S.
- Martin, Philip
- Martin, Richard
- Martin, Ronald
- Martin, Tony
- Martin, Treyvon
- Martineau, Harriet
- Martinek, Ivy
- Martinez, Art
- Martinez, Viridiana
- Martinez, William Thomas
- Martins Ferry, OH
- Marty, Martin
- Martynova, Antonina
- martyrdom
- martyrdom -- in abolitionist thought
- martyrdom -- in Debs's rhetoric
- martyrdom -- in Welch's rhetoric
- Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, The (d'Annunzio)
- Marvel Comics
- Marvin (case study)
- Marvin (case study) -- on experiences with racism
- Marvin (case study) -- on laziness in school
- Marvin (case study) -- on mother
- Marvin (case study) -- on speaking out
- Marwencol (film)
- Marwick, Alice
- Marx, Eleanor
- Marx, Gary
- Marx, Karl
- Marx, Karl -- Marxism
- Marx, Karl -- Open Marxism
- Marx, Magdeleine
- Marx, Steve
- Marxian criticism
- Marxism
- Marxism -- and freedom from exploitation
- Marxism -- and Third World Left
- Marxism -- as science versus religion
- Marxism -- human rights and capitalism
- Marxism -- in Debs's rhetoric
- Marxism -- power relations
- Marxism / Marxist socialism
- "Marxism without final guarantees"
- Marxist theory
- Marxists
- Mary (case study)
- Mary (case study) -- on experiences with sexism
- Mary (case study) -- on overcoming discrimination
- Mary (case study) -- on problems at school
- Mary (case study) -- on speaking out
- Mary I
- "Mary Nettie" (Stein)
- Mary Queen of Vietnam Church
- Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
- Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) -- Digital Humanities Winter Institute
- Maryland, University of
- Masaryk, T. G.
- Masaryk, Thomas
- masculine bond
- masculine discursive practices
- Masculine role behavior
- Masculinist
- Masculinist -- gaze
- Masculinist -- God
- Masculinist -- society
- Masculinist -- worldview
- masculinity
- masculinity -- "remasculinization"
- Masculinity -- and privacy
- Masculinity -- and privilege
- Masculinity -- and sports
- Masculinity -- and stoicism
- Masculinity -- burdens of
- Masculinity -- constructions of
- masculinity -- feminine threat to
- Masculinity -- inattention to
- Masculinity -- psychological theories about
- masculinization of women
- Masechet Azilut
- mash-ups.
- Mashable
- Mashups
- Masjid Khalifah
- Masks and masking
- Masks and masking -- acting as
- Masks and masking -- in the Fourth Elegy
- Masks and masking -- in The Notebooks
- Maslenitsa
- Maslow, A.
- Maslow, Abraham
- Maslow, Abraham: on basic needs
- Maslow, Will
- Maso, Carole
- masochism
- masochism (erotogenic)
- masochistic pride
- Mason v. Haile (1827)
- Mason, Bobbie Ann
- Mason, Charlotte Osgood
- Mason, George
- Mason, George, objections to the U.S. Constitution
- Mason, John Mitchell
- Mason, Patience
- Mason, Sally
- mass culture
- mass culture -- American
- mass culture -- filmmaking's role in
- mass culture -- Korean
- mass media
- mass media -- and Vietnam veteran
- mass media -- coverage of antiwar movement
- mass pan technique
- Mass-production industries
- Mass, the
- Massachusettensis
- Massachusetts -- and limitation of federal courts
- Massachusetts -- and slavery
- Massachusetts -- in 1990 elections
- Massachusetts -- political culture of
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -- Comparative Media Studies
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -- HyperStudio
- Massachusetts, University of
- Massachusetts.
- Massage-parlor prostitution
- Massanari, A.
- Massey University
- Massey, Doreen
- Massey, Doreen -- "emergent powers of the spatial"
- Massey, Doreen -- "Power-Geometry and a Progressive Sense of Place"
- Massey, Doreen -- Space, Place, and Gender
- Massie, Thomas, Lieut. 214–20
- Massification
- Massignon, Geneviève
- Massignon, Louis
- Massing, Michael
- massively multiplayer on-line roleplaying games (MMORPGs)
- Masson, Charles
- Masson, Cynthea
- Masson, Rosaline: Use and Abuse of English: A Handbook of Composition
- Massumi, Brian
- Mast, Ed
- Master Builder, The (Ibsen)
- Master craftsmen
- Master of Arts degree programs
- Master of Arts degree programs -- and high-school teaching
- Master of Arts degree programs -- expanded access to
- Master Plan for Greater Bombay
- Master Printers Association
- Mastermind, Margaret
- Masters of the Land
- Masters of the Universe
- Masters, Edgar Lee
- Masters, R. D.
- Masters, R. E. L.
- Masters, William
- Masterson, J. F.
- Mastery
- Mastery -- in Rilke's art
- Mastery -- in Rilke's relationship with Clara
- Mastery -- of his (Rilke's) father in his art
- Mastery -- Rilke mastering his fears through his art
- Mastery -- self-mastery
- Mastery of detail
- mastery of performance
- mastery of performance -- described
- mastery of performance -- flow and
- mastery of performance -- game play, and valued quality of
- mastery of performance -- in video games
- mastery of performance -- in WoW
- mastery of performance -- metrics of
- mastery of performance -- performative challenges and
- mastery of performance -- play, and valued quality of
- mastery of performance -- valued quality of
- mastery of performance -- women and
- mastery, need for
- Mastro, Randy
- masturbation
- mat (mother-cursing)
- Matachinos
- Matalene, Carolyn
- Mateo, Lizabeth
- material culture
- material feminism
- material flows
- material intelligence of digital devices
- material intelligence of digital devices -- and learning
- material intelligence of digital devices -- as "third participant"
- material intelligence of digital devices -- concept of
- material intelligence of digital devices -- learning principles and
- material intelligence of digital devices -- TEACH Project and
- "material nihility"
- material space
- material space -- and scenes of writing
- material space -- of becoming
- material space -- tactical engagements of
- material universe
- material universe in Poe
- material universe in Poe -- annihilation of matter
- material universe in Poe -- as God's self-differentiation
- materialism
- materiality
- Materiality of the signifier
- maternal personification of collective
- maternalism
- maternalism -- and space
- maternalism -- as discourse
- Maternity leave
- "Matewan"
- math class
- math class -- use of Google Earth in
- math class -- use of Teen Second Life in
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, history of
- Mather, Cotton
- Mather, Moses
- Mather, Richard
- Mathesis
- Mathews, David
- Mathews, T.
- Mathias, Elizabeth
- Mathilde de la Mole (The Red and the Black)
- Mathis, Melissa M.
- Mathis, Weldon
- Mathison, John K.
- Matilal, B. K.
- Matisse, Henri
- Matlock, John
- Matolcsay, Matyas
- Matorin, N.
- matriarchy
- Matrices, conceptually clustered, in analysis of data
- matricide
- matrifocality
- Matrimonial Causes Acts
- matriotism
- matrix
- MATRIX, Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- MATRIX, Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences -- H-Net
- Matrix, The
- Matsuda, Mari
- Matsui, Yayori
- Matsumoto, Jun
- Matsushita
- Mattachine Society
- Mattel
- Mattelart, Armand
- matter
- matter -- animation and generation from
- matter -- corruptible and refractory
- matter -- culture of matter
- matter -- effective materials and media
- matter -- etymology of
- matter -- four elements
- matter -- in excess of concepts
- matter -- inclinations and force of
- matter -- primordial matter
- matter -- provisions of
- matter -- sexual differentiation of
- matter -- Silva or Hyle
- matter -- translating or transcoding of
- Matthews, Adam
- Matthews, Donald
- Matthews, Dorothea
- Matthews, Gwyneth Ferguson
- Matthews, M.
- Matthews, R.
- Matthews, William
- Matthiessen, F. O.
- Mattison, A. M.
- Mattu, Ayesha
- Matuchniak, T.
- Matunga
- Matunga Labor Camp
- Maturana, Humberto
- Maturational processes
- Maturin, Charles: Melmoth the Wanderer
- maturity
- Maturity -- conceptions of
- Maturo, A.
- Matyniak, R. A.
- Mauer, Marc
- Mauer, Marc -- Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment
- Maugham, Somerset
- Maugham, W. Somerset
- Maupassant, Guy de: Ball-of-Fat
- Maurer, Harry
- Maurras, Charles
- Mauss, Marcel
- Max (class member)
- Max (class member) -- class relationships
- Max (class member) -- during reading time
- Max (class member) -- Facebook as peer-only domain
- Max (class member) -- home for
- Max (class member) -- learning direction, responsibility lacking for
- Max (class member) -- media restrictions for
- Max (class member) -- music levels
- Max (class member) -- music teacher's relationship
- Max (class member) -- on commendations
- Max (class member) -- piano lessons
- Max (class member) -- resistance in classroom
- Max (class member) -- school play audition
- Maxey Boys Training School
- Maxey Boys Training School -- play
- Maxey, Jonathan
- Maximum RocknRoll
- Maximum Security University (film)
- Maximum weight rules, by airlines
- Maximum-hours legislation
- Maxwell, Ian
- Maxwell, Robert
- May, E. R.
- May, Henry
- May, Henry, on decay of consensus in America
- May, Jon, TimeSpace
- May, Karl
- May, Philip
- May, Philip -- Love: The Reward
- May, Robert
- May, Rollo
- Maya (Stuefloten)
- Maya l'Abeille
- Mayakovsky, Vladimir
- Mayans
- Mayberry, Katherine
- Maybrick, Florence
- Mayer, Albert
- Mayer, J.
- Mayer, Louis B.
- Mayer, Thomas
- Mayesky, Vanessa
- Mayhew, Henry
- Mayhew, Henry -- London Labour and London Poor
- Mayhew, Jonathan
- Maynard, John
- Maynard, Micheline
- Mayo Clinic
- Mayo, Elton
- Mayo, Herbert, Popular Superstitions
- Mayor of Casterbridge, The (Hardy) -- compared to Madame Bovary
- Mayor of Mumbai
- Mayr, E.
- Mayumi (film, Shin)
- maze
- Maze War
- Mazlish, B.
- Mazlish, Bruce
- Maznavi, Nura
- Mazowiecki, Tadeusz
- Mazza, Cris
- Mazzara, Gaetano
- Mazzurco, Salvatore
- McAdoo, Mars Dugal (character in Conjure Tales)
- McAdoo, Mars Dugal (character in Conjure Tales) -- his power compared with Aunt Peggy's
- McAllen, TX
- McAllister, John A.
- McAlmon, Robert
- McBride Commission report
- McBride, David
- McCaffrey, Kevin
- McCain, John
- McCall, G. J.
- McCandless, R.
- McCann, Jerome, Radiant Textuality: Literature after the World Wide Web
- McCarran-Walter Act
- McCarthy-era exclusion provisions
- McCarthy, Eugene
- McCarthy, John
- McCarthy, Joseph
- McCarthy, Joseph -- and American radical tradition
- McCarthy, Joseph -- and apocalyptic
- McCarthy, Joseph -- and the ethos of the Senate
- McCarthy, Joseph -- and the media
- McCarthy, Joseph -- objectivity
- McCarthy, Joseph -- on U.S. China policy
- McCarthy, Joseph -- Robert Welch compared to
- McCarthy, Joseph -- use of darkness metaphor
- McCarthy, Mary
- McCarthy, P.
- McCarthy, Tom
- McCarthy, William
- McCarthyism
- McCartney, William
- McCarty, Willard
- McCarty, Willard -- "Billiard Ball Theory of History"
- McCarty, Willard -- "spectrum of work-styles"
- McCarty, Willard -- "true collaboration"
- McCarty, Willard -- Humanities Computing
- McCarty, Willard -- interdisciplinarity
- McCaul, Alexander
- McCauley, Thomas Babington
- McClellan Committee hearings
- McClellan, John L.
- McClelland, D. C
- McCleskey v. Kemp
- McClesky v. Kemp
- McClintock, Anne
- McClintock, Samuel
- McCloskey, Donald
- McCloskey, Robert
- McCloskey, Robert G., on John Jay
- McCloskey, Robert G., on John Jay -- on pre-Marshall Court
- McCloster, Delena
- McCobin, Alexander
- McCollum v. Board of Education
- McCone Commission
- McCone Commission -- and welfare dependence
- McCone Commission -- police brutality, dismissal of
- McCone, John
- McConnell, Michael
- McCorcle, Mitchell
- McCorkle, Lucilla
- McCormack, W. C.
- McCormick Reaper Company
- McCormick, J.
- McCormick, Richard L., on Debs
- McCoy v. Johnson Controls World Services, 878 F. Supp. 229 (S.D.Ga. 1995)
- McCoy, Rhody
- McCoy, Robin
- McCracken, G.
- McCracken, Paul
- McCracken, Peggy
- McCray, Ida
- McCreary, Thomas
- McCrery, Jim
- McCrillus, Dr. S. B., medicine show
- McCullers, Carson
- McCulloch, Warren
- McCulloch, William
- McCullough, David
- McCurry, Michael
- McDaniel, J.
- McDermott, Patrice
- McDevitt, John
- McDonald, Brent
- McDonald, Forrest
- McDonald, Kyle
- McDonald, Terry
- McDonald's
- McDonnell, Kathleen
- McDonough, Ben
- McDougal, James
- McDowell, Deborah E.
- McDowell, James F.
- McDuffie, George
- McElroy, James
- McFadden, Bernice
- McFarland, Daniel
- McFarlane, Colin
- McFarlane, Ian
- McFarlane, Robert
- McGann, Jerome
- McGee, American
- McGill University
- McGinnis, Kenneth
- McGirr, Lisa
- McGovern, G.
- McGowan v. Maryland
- McGowan, William, Gray Lady Down
- McGrath, J. Howard
- McGraw, K.
- McGraw, Maureen
- McGreevy, Thomas
- McGruder, Aaron
- McGuffy's Reader
- McGuire, Meredith B.
- McGuire, W.
- McGurl, Mark
- McHenry, Henry D.
- McHenry, Robert
- McHugh, Susan
- MCing
- MCing -- African American oral practices and
- MCing -- history of
- MCing -- racial demographics of
- McIntosh, Jonathan
- McIntosh, Jonathan -- "Buffy vs. Edward"
- McIntosh, Jonathan -- "Right Wing Radio Duck"
- Mcintosh, M.
- McKay, Claude
- McKeachie, W. J.
- McKee, Alan
- McKee, Stephanie
- McKeever, William: "The Moving Picture: A Primary School for Criminals"
- McKenna, Kevin
- McKeon, Richard
- McKim, K.
- McKinley, President William
- McKinley, William
- McKinsey & Company
- McKinsey Report
- McLarty, Thomas
- McLauchlin, Richard
- McLaughlin, James
- McLaughlin, Judge Joseph
- McLean v. Arkansas
- McLean, John
- McLemee, Scott
- McLeod, A. S.
- McLeod, Kembrew
- Mcllwain, Charles, on constitutional basis of American Revolution
- McLoughlin, William G.
- McLuhan, Marshall
- McMahan, Bobby
- McManus, D.
- McMillan, George
- McNally, R.
- McNamara, Robert
- McNaron, T. A. H.
- McNeil, L. M.
- McNeill, William
- McPhee, Christina
- McPherson, Christopher
- McPherson, G. E.
- McPherson, Michael
- McPherson, Tara
- McPherson, Tara -- Humanities Computing
- McPherson, Tara -- Transmedia Frictions: The Digital, The Arts, and The Humanities
- McQuaid, Kim
- McRobbie, A.
- MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity)
- MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) -- model of
- MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) -- sociology of
- McSherry, Corynne
- McWhirter, D. P.
- McWilliams, Carey
- McWilliams, Carey -- middle class, growth of
- McWilliams, Carey -- on peace and civil rights
- McWilliams, Carey -- on Prop 14
- McWilliams, Carey -- on the missile crescent
- McWilliams, N.
- McWilliams, Wilson
- McWilliams, Wilson Carey
- "Me-ism"
- Me'or Eynaim
- Mead, G. H.
- Mead, George H.
- Mead, George Herbert
- Mead, Lawrence
- Mead, Margaret
- Meade, L. T.
- Meade, L. T. -- "A Young Blue-Stocking"
- Meade, L. T. -- "Luck of Pitsey Hall"
- Meade, L. T. -- "Madame Sara"
- Meade, L. T. -- "The Bloodhound"
- Meade, L. T. -- "The Bloodstone"
- Meade, L. T. -- "The Talk of the Town"
- Meade, L. T. -- "The Teeth of the Wolf"
- Meade, L. T. -- "The Winged Assassin"
- Meade, L. T. -- A Sweet Girl Graduate
- Meade, L. T. -- Brotherhood of the Seven Kings
- Meade, L. T. -- Girl of the People
- Meade, L. T. -- Princess of the Gutter
- Meade, L. T. -- Sorceress of the Strand
- Meade, L. T. -- The Detections of Miss Cusack
- Meade, L. T. -- The Siren
- Meaning
- Meaning -- and victimization
- Meaning -- appetite and body
- Meaning -- betrayal and
- Meaning -- between food and incest
- Meaning -- core
- Meaning -- destruction of
- Meaning -- existential
- Meaning -- food rituals
- Meaning -- God as source of
- Meaning -- meaning-lessness
- Meaning -- need for
- Meaning -- of weight
- Meaning -- political
- Meaning -- problem of
- Meaning -- relation of love to
- Meaning -- religious
- Meaning -- spiritual
- Meaning -- theme in Dickens
- Meaning in existence
- Meaning of life
- Meaning of life -- interpersonal relations in
- Meaning of life -- love as source of
- Meaning, object-relational
- Means and ends
- Meany, George
- Measure-for-measure punishment -- defined
- measurement
- measurement -- of learner identity
- measurement -- of school learning
- measurement -- self-, on school learning
- measurement -- UK system of
- Measuring success
- Mecate
- Mechanical Age
- mechanical animals
- mechanism (of whiteness)
- "Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena, The" (Freud)
- Mechanisms of translation
- Mechling, Jay
- Medal of Honour
- Meddling Policeman, The (1904)
- Medgyesy (attorney)
- Medi-Cal
- Medi-Cal -- 1971 Medi-Cal Reform Act
- Medi-Cal -- expenditures 1966–1978
- Medi-Cal -- Reagan cuts to
- media
- Media -- and rise of assessments of psychological suitability
- Media -- and structural amplification
- Media -- campaign commercials and
- Media -- candidates' manipulation of
- Media -- candidates' reaction to
- Media -- character attacks in
- media -- class members' use
- media -- considerable use of
- Media -- coverage of candidates
- media -- domestication of
- Media -- effect of instantaneous communications
- Media -- ethics of
- media -- family choice and negotiation
- media -- identity influenced by
- Media -- images
- media -- internet access
- Media -- need for context in character stories
- media -- norms and values
- Media -- on American affairs
- media -- on educational goals
- Media -- public's response to
- Media -- public's right to know and
- Media -- reporters' feelings toward candidates and presidents
- Media -- reporting
- media -- restricted use of
- Media -- role of in Eagleton story
- Media -- role of in ending Gary Hart's candidacy
- Media -- sensationalism by
- Media -- treatment of unions
- media -- UK access to
- media -- US family use of
- Media -- use of by unions
- media -- values influenced by
- Media -- William J. Clinton's candidacy and
- Media (electric)
- Media (electronic)
- Media (electronic) -- "second media age of postwar era"
- Media (electronic) -- bias in Israeli reporting
- Media (electronic) -- bias in reporting Croat and Muslim acts against Serbs
- Media (electronic) -- Bosnia as media spotlight
- Media (electronic) -- globalization of information
- Media (print)
- Media (print) -- American
- Media (print) -- bias in reporting Croat and Muslim acts against Serbs
- Media (print) -- coverage in Bosnia
- Media (print) -- on genocide in Bosnia
- media archaeology
- Media capital
- Media capital -- Defined
- Media capital -- Key principles
- Media capital -- Mumbai
- Media capital -- Vs. political capital
- media devices
- media devices -- multiple in home
- media devices -- teachers on problems with
- Media education
- Media events
- media imperialism
- Media literacy
- Media market
- media policy.
- Media production
- Media production -- Theorized
- Media sphere
- media studies
- Media studies -- U.S. dominance and de-Westernization
- Media systems
- media systems theory
- media use
- media use -- in the digital era
- media use -- social forces' impact on
- media use -- traditional patterns of
- Media Welfare State
- Media Welfare State -- concept of
- Media Welfare State -- four principles/pillars of
- Media Welfare State -- four social forces modified by
- Media-Wiki
- Media, Activism, and Participatory Politics (MADD) research group
- Media, restrictions on
- Media, restrictions on -- and Regulations Concerning Foreign Journalists
- median survival time
- MediaShift
- Mediation
- Mediation (Williams)
- Medicaid
- Medicaid -- "patient skimming"
- Medicaid -- and birth control
- Medicaid -- and home care
- Medicaid -- cost shifting
- Medicaid -- health care inflation
- Medicaid -- passage of
- Medicaid -- public hospitals, closures of
- Medical
- Medical -- anomaly
- Medical -- discourse of
- Medical -- model
- Medical -- movements
- Medical Committee for Civil Rights (MCCR)
- Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR)
- Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) -- AMA, picketing of
- Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) -- and prior authorization
- Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) -- and Prop 13
- Medical history
- Medical patients, attitudes toward mental health
- Medical providers, and integrated care
- Medical treatment
- Medical treatment -- and longevity
- Medical treatment -- costs
- Medical treatment -- drugs' adverse effects
- Medical treatment -- for asymptomatic persons
- Medical treatment -- mental health providers' knowledge
- Medical treatment -- psychiatric diagnostic dilemmas
- Medical treatment model
- Medical World News
- medical-industrial complex
- Medicare
- Medicare -- AMA opposition to
- Medicare -- and segregated hospitals
- Medicare -- cuts to
- Medicare -- health care inflation
- Medicare -- passage of
- Medication
- medicine
- Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies
- Medium Cool
- medium, visual-performative media
- Medlar (Gramont)
- Medvedev, Feliks
- Medvedev, Zhores
- Medynsky, Grigory
- Meehan-Waters, Brenda
- Meekness
- Meese, Ed
- Meese, Edwin
- Meet Me in St. Louis
- Megan (class member)
- Megan (class member) -- acting provocatively on Facebook
- Megan (class member) -- class relationships
- Megan (class member) -- DM function and
- Megan (class member) -- ego network of
- Megan (class member) -- Facebook public nature
- Megan (class member) -- flirting
- Megan (class member) -- fulfilling life plan
- Megan (class member) -- homework and
- Megan (class member) -- levels self-assessment
- Megan (class member) -- on school rules
- Megan (class member) -- on socioeconomic distinctions
- Megan (class member) -- on teachers' relationships and learning
- Megan (class member) -- on transitions
- Megan (class member) -- private spaces for
- Megan (class member) -- reluctant violin learning
- Megan (class member) -- resistance in classroom
- Megan (class member) -- tightly knit social world
- Megan (class member) -- transitional year for
- Megan (class member) -- Tumblr for identity construction in private
- Megan (class member) -- Twitter and
- Megas, Georgios A.
- megaslum
- Mehitzah
- Mehta -- Mukesh
- Mehta, Ritesh
- Meier, August: Black History and the Historical Profession 1915–1980
- Meier, Barry
- Meier, Joyce
- Meiggs, Henry
- Meije, Henry
- Meiland, J. W.
- Meillassoux, Quentin
- Meir
- Meir ben Shimeon of Narbonne, Rabbi
- Meir ibn Gabbay, Rabbi
- Meisel, Eliyahu Chaim
- Meisler, Dick
- Meislin, Rich
- Meissner, W. W.
- Mekilta
- Mel'chuk, Igor'
- Mel'gunov, S. P.
- Melanin
- Melbourne 1956
- Melchiori, Barbara
- melee
- Meletinskii, Eleazar
- Meletus
- Melidonian, Vartan
- meliorism
- Melling, Philip
- Mellon Foundation
- Melman, Seymor
- Melmoth the Wanderer (Maturin)
- Melnick, Jeffrey
- Melodrama -- Dicken's fascination with
- Melodrama -- falsifying
- melodrama -- in Debs
- melodramas
- melodramas, Shin's impact on
- melodramas, Shin's production of
- melodramas, Shin's production of -- development themes
- Meltzer, Françoise
- Melville, Herman
- Melville, Herman -- "Benito Cereno"
- Melville, Herman -- Moby Dick
- Melville, Herman -- Typee
- Melville, Samuel
- Meme
- Memeorandum
- Memex
- Memmott, Talan
- Memoirs of a Geisha
- "Memoirs of My Business" (Rouveyre)
- Memorial and Remonstrance
- Memories
- memory -- electronic
- memory -- national
- Memory, healing and consciousness
- Memory/memories
- Memory/memories -- "False Memory Syndrome"
- Memory/memories -- "recovery" or
- Memory/memories -- act of
- Memory/memories -- and hysteria
- Memory/memories -- and incest
- Memory/memories -- and PTSD
- Memory/memories -- body
- Memory/memories -- connecting to
- Memory/memories -- delayed
- Memory/memories -- discern
- Memory/memories -- emotional
- Memory/memories -- erase
- Memory/memories -- few
- Memory/memories -- flashbacks
- Memory/memories -- haunting
- Memory/memories -- horrors of
- Memory/memories -- mistrust
- Memory/memories -- of respondents
- Memory/memories -- precious
- Memory/memories -- reclamation of
- Memory/memories -- retrieving
- Memory/memories -- self-soothing
- Memphis
- Memphis Commercial Appeal
- Memphis, Tenn.
- Men
- Men -- African American
- Men -- and aggression
- Men -- and housework
- Men -- as breadwinners
- Men -- as caregivers
- Men -- as victims
- Men -- Asian
- Men -- backlash
- Men -- criminal liability
- Men -- custody of children
- Men -- experiences of
- Men -- false consciousness of
- Men -- images of, in legal decisions
- Men -- in nontraditional jobs
- Men -- in nurturing roles
- Men -- income
- Men -- Latino
- Men -- life expectancy
- Men -- Native American
- Men -- oppressions intertwined with women's
- Men -- prisoners
- Men -- reproductive rights
- Men -- societal expectations of, as solders
- Men -- suicide
- Men Against Pornography
- Men and Masculinity conferences
- Men and Women's Club
- Men International
- Men Overcoming Violence
- men players -- about
- men players -- female characters played by
- men players -- female-unfriendly practices by
- men players -- gender dynamics and
- men players -- gender-bending and
- men players -- gendered rhetoric and
- men players -- heterosexual flirtation and
- men players -- homophobic rhetoric by
- men players -- ladyboy characters and
- men players -- men’s disputes with
- men players -- rhetorical practices of
- Men, The
- Men's Defense Association
- Men's Group Against Prostitution in Asia (Japan)
- Men's Lib Study Group (Japan)
- men's liberation
- Men's movements
- Men's movements -- criticisms of
- Men's movements -- evangelical
- Men's movements -- feminist men
- Men's movements -- men's rights
- Men's movements -- mythopoetics
- Men's Network for Change
- Men's rights
- Men's rights -- and mail-order brides
- Men's rights -- Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Men's Rights Association
- Men's rights groups
- Men's Rights, Inc.
- Men's studies
- Mena, Maria Christina
- Menachem Recanati, Rabbi
- Menachem Ziyuni, Rabbi
- Menaker, Esther
- Menand, Louis
- Menchú, Rigoberta: I, Rigoberta Menchú
- Menchú, Rigoberta: I, Rigoberta Menchú -- An Indian Woman in Guatemala
- Menchú, Rigoberta: I, Rigoberta Menchú -- Operation Remove Rigoberta
- Mencken, H. L.
- Mendel, David
- Mendel, Gregor
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- Mendes-France, Pierre
- Mendez, Erika
- Mendota, IL
- Mendota, IL -- key to the city of
- Mendota, IL -- public library
- Mendoza-Denton, Norma
- Menninger, K.
- Menorah Journal
- Menorat ha-Maor (Rabbi Israel Alnaqawa)
- Menrath, Walter
- Mens rea, defined
- Mens' non-no
- menstrual fluid, female matter and
- Menstruation
- mental cruelty
- mental health
- mental health -- decarceration
- Mental health -- history of
- Mental health -- illness and
- Mental health -- instability and
- Mental health -- of presidents
- mental health services
- Mental Hygiene Legal Service
- Mental illness
- Mental illness -- accountability of leaders and importance of
- Mental illness -- contemporary relevance to presidents
- Mental illness -- difficulties in recognizing
- Mental illness -- episodic or continuous
- Mental illness -- nuclear weapons issue and
- Mental illness -- of presidents
- Mental illness -- severe impairments and
- mental retardation
- mental retardation -- constructions of
- mental retardation -- treatment of
- Mentalism
- "mentality"
- Mentavlos, Jeanie
- Mentoring USA
- Mercator, G.
- Mercer, Charles F.
- Mercer, Kobena
- Mercer, Lucy
- Merchant, Joshua
- Merculieff, Rena
- Mercy Corps
- "Meredith march"
- Meredith, George
- Meredith, Isabel
- Meredith, James
- Meredith, Owen, "Last Words of a Sensitive Second-Rate Poet"
- Meredith, Robert
- Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii
- merger
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) -- land flipping and
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) -- LBO and
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) -- opposition to
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) -- technology and
- Merging, desire for
- Merimee, Prosper: Carmen
- Merino, Lupe
- Merit
- Merit -- and academic excellence
- Merit -- and job performance
- Merit -- and professionalism
- meritocracy
- meritocracy -- equality
- Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson
- Merkabah literature
- Merkabah mysticism
- Merkabah mysticism -- mystical process in
- Merkabah mysticism -- physiognomy in
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, concept of "flesh"
- Mermaids for Attila (Servin)
- Merrick, Helen
- Merrill, James
- Merrill, Thomas W.
- Merrimon, Augustus S.
- Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The (Pyle)
- Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare)
- Mertens, H.
- Merton, Robert
- Merton, Robert K.
- Merton, Thomas
- Merwin, W. S.
- Mesić, Stipe
- Mesko, Zoltan
- Mesmer, Franz
- mesmerism
- mesmerism -- Poe's mesmeric tales
- mess, the
- message (activist) rap
- Message boards
- messenger (prophet as)
- messenger formula
- messenger formula -- and poetry
- Messenger, Eli
- Messer-Davidow, Ellen
- Messer, Kim
- Messerli, Douglas
- Messiah, messianic age
- Messianism, Jewish
- Messing, Simon D.
- Messino, Joey
- Meszaros, Janos
- Metacontext
- Metafilter
- Metairie Park Country Day School
- metals
- Metanarratives, defined
- Metaphor -- choice of, never accidental
- Metaphor -- comparing filth to evil
- Metaphor -- defined
- Metaphor -- master's
- Metaphor -- pupil's
- Metaphor, nature of
- Metaphors
- metaphysics
- metaphysics -- Adams's metaphysics of doom
- metaphysics -- experimental posthumanist (of Poe, Hurston, and others)
- metaphysics -- nineteenth-century discourses on
- metaphysics -- of diasporic cosmologies
- metaphysics -- of racism
- metaphysics -- Poe's perverse version of
- metaphysics -- westernized metaphysical self
- Metaphysics of American Law (Peller)
- Metaphysics of presence
- Metaphysics of stasis
- metastability
- Metatheory
- Metatron
- "metatrust"
- Metcalf, Paul
- Metchnikoff, Elie
- Methodists
- methodological concepts
- Methodological Interdisciplinarity
- Methodological Interdisciplinarity (ID)
- Methodology
- Methodology of this research
- Methodology of this research -- effect of, on findings
- methods
- Metpath v. Imperato
- metrics
- metrics -- combat log and
- metrics -- damage meters mods for
- metrics -- healing class and
- Metro (free newspaper)
- Metro 2033
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Metzger, Bruce M.
- Metzler, Irina
- Meuron, Pierre de
- Mexican
- Mexican -- and African Americans
- Mexican -- and agriculture industry
- Mexican -- and employment in poultry processing industry
- Mexican -- as focus of INS enforcement
- Mexican -- attitude toward the United States
- Mexican -- consulate
- Mexican -- effect on Latino employment
- Mexican -- farmworkers
- Mexican -- immigrant
- Mexican -- in Chicago
- Mexican -- in Texas
- Mexican -- migrants
- Mexican -- nationals
- Mexican -- representation in deportation hearings
- Mexican -- workers
- Mexican American National Association
- Mexican American War, and citizenship option
- Mexican American Youth Organization
- Mexican Americans
- Mexican Americans -- and tuberculosis
- Mexican Americans -- cultural alienation of
- Mexican Americans -- in Los Angeles
- Mexican Americans -- infant mortality rates of
- Mexican Americans -- low wages of
- Mexican Americans -- manufacturing employment of
- Mexican Americans -- residential segregation of
- Mexican Americans -- Sleepy Lagoon case
- Mexican Americans -- Zoot Suit riots
- Mexican Digital Humanities
- Mexican-American and Latino Anti-Defamation Task Force
- Mexican-American Legal and Education Defense Fund
- Mexican: sexuality
- Mexico
- Mexico -- government
- Mexico City 1968
- Mexico City 1968 -- and attempted boycott/demonstration
- Mexico, and agriculture market
- Mexico, as export processing zone (EPZ)
- Mexico, free trade agreement with
- Meyer, Alfred G.
- Meyer, Bernard
- Meyer, C
- Meyer, David
- Meyer, Johannes
- Meyer, Michael
- Meyer, Stephen
- Meyers, Boyd
- Meyers, Helen
- Meyers, Katy, "Defining Digital Archaeology"
- Meyerson, Bess
- Meyerson, Gregory
- Meza, Nancy
- Mezzina, Onofrio
- MGM v. Grokster
- Miah, Andy
- Miall, C
- Miami
- Miami -- job market, effect of immigrants on
- Miami -- study of effect of Mariel Boatlift on native workers
- Miami (Dade Co.), gay rights struggle in
- Miami Herald
- Miami Strike Force
- Miami Vice
- Miasma
- Micah
- Michael Henchard
- Michael Henchard (The Mayor of Casterbridge)
- Michael M. v. Superior Court
- Michael, Jaclyn
- Michaels, Walter Benn, The Shape of the Signifier
- Michel, Sonya
- Michelangelo
- Michelangelo -- Blockhead Slave sculpture
- Michelangelo -- David compared to
- Michelangelo, Buonarotti
- Michelangelo, Buonarotti -- in Stories of God
- Michelangelo, Buonarotti -- in The Book of Hours
- Michelet, Jules
- Michelman, Frank I.
- Michelman, Irving
- Michelson, David, "Introduction to Digital Humanities"
- Michigan Battered Women's Clemency Project
- Michigan College English Association Conference
- Michigan Council for the Arts and Humanities
- Michigan Daily
- Michigan Department of Corrections
- Michigan Department of Education
- Michigan Document Service Inc.
- Michigan Mandate
- Michigan Parole Board
- Michigan Prisoner Re-entry Initiative
- Michigan Reformatory
- Michigan State University
- Michigan State University -- Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- Michigan Theater
- Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
- Michigan, University of
- Michigan.
- Mickey Magazine
- Mickey Mouse
- Mickiewicz, Adam
- micro-history
- microchips
- Microcontext
- microcosm
- Microfilm
- micropractices of the U.S. nation
- micropractices of the U.S. nation -- in the meat
- micropractices of the U.S. nation -- micropractices as/ and embodied national archives
- Microsoft
- Microsoft -- Outlook
- Microsoft -- Word
- Microsoft research lab
- Mid-Decade of Women Conference (1980)
- Middaugh, Ellen
- Middle Ages, chronology of, in Jewish history
- Middle America
- Middle America -- and African Americans
- Middle America -- Stephen Carter's allegiance to
- middle class
- Middle class tax cut
- Middle East
- Middle East, Six-Day War
- Middle Eastern culture
- Middle Passage
- Middle Temple
- Middle Temple -- and John Rutledge
- middle-class families
- middle-class families -- affluent
- middle-class families -- alternative learning approaches
- middle-class families -- competitive pressures of risk society
- middle-class families -- concerted cultivation by
- middle-class families -- domestic media in
- middle-class families -- economic and cultural resources for
- middle-class families -- educational opportunities
- middle-class families -- envy of working-class family connectedness
- middle-class families -- World Challenge selection from
- middle-class families -- young people's lack of unstructured time
- middle-class politics
- Middletown
- Midelfort, H. C. Erik
- MIDI Maze
- Midlarsky, Elizabeth
- Midnight Caller
- "Midnight Judges Act" (Judiciary Act of 1801)
- Midrash
- Midrash -- collections of
- Midrash ha-Ne'elam
- Midrash, feminist
- Midstream
- midwife
- Midwifery
- Midwives' Act
- Miéville, China, The City and the City
- Mignolo, Walter D.
- Migrant workers, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
- migration
- Migration -- blacks, from south to north
- migration -- networks
- Migration -- to Sunbelt
- migration -- young people in fieldwork and
- Migration, and spread of HIV
- Migration, Jewish
- Mihailović, Draža
- Mihalovics, Zsigmond
- Mikes, Janos
- Mikhalkov, Nikita
- Mikveh Israel (Philadelphia)
- Milagro (case study)
- Milagro (case study) -- on school
- Milagro (case study) -- on speaking out
- Milano, Frank
- Milano, John
- Milano, Tony
- Milardo, R. M.
- Milavsky, R.
- Milbrath, L.
- Mildred Pierce
- Miles, Adrian
- Miles, Josephine
- Milhemet Mitzvah (Rabbi Meir ben Shimeon of Narbonne)
- Militancy, civil rights
- Militant Suffragette, The
- Militants, Jewish civil rights
- Militarism, relationship to moralism
- militarization
- militarization -- and gender
- militarization -- and racism
- militarization -- and reproductive justice
- militarization -- and segregation
- militarization -- and suburbanization
- militarization -- and urban crisis
- militarization -- and white supremacy
- militarization -- Geyer on
- militarization -- of LAPD
- militarization -- of population
- militarized domesticities
- militarized domesticities -- and military-industrial complex
- militarized domesticities -- and state violence
- militarized domesticities -- and white privilege
- militarized domesticities -- as racialized space
- militarized domesticities -- as sexualized space
- Military
- Military -- and public/private distinction
- Military -- and sodomy
- Military -- as gendered organization
- Military -- definition of homosexual in
- Military -- influence on civilian life
- Military -- lesbian and gay separations from
- Military -- lesbians and gay men in
- Military -- Military ban; Navy; Status/conduct distinction; Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ); Unit cohesion; Women in the military
- Military -- regulation of speech by
- Military -- views on sexual orientation
- Military ban
- Military ban -- activists' ambivalence toward
- Military ban -- as class issue
- Military ban -- as tool of sexism
- Military ban -- blanket ban
- Military ban -- compared with racial segregation
- Military ban -- costs of
- Military ban -- Directive on Enlisted Administrative Separations
- Military ban -- historical variability of
- Military ban -- influence of race and gender on
- Military ban -- influence on civilian life
- Military ban -- old vs. new policies
- Military ban -- rationales for
- Military ban -- rebuttable presumption provision in
- Military ban -- restrictions imposed by
- Military ban -- role of heterosexual prejudice in
- Military ban -- Senate hearings on
- military draft: opposition to
- Military education and training
- military films
- military forces
- Military forces -- International Rapid Reaction forces
- Military forces -- Slovenian Territorial Defense Forces
- Military forces -- Yugoslav Federation Army
- Military forces -- Yugoslav Federation Army defeated by Slovenian defense forces
- Military forces -- Yugoslav National Army capture of Croatian territory
- Military power
- Military power -- Japan and
- Military prostitution
- Military prostitution -- Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Military prostitution -- nam
- Military prostitution -- Philippines
- Military prostitution -- Sex tourism following
- Military school
- military-industrial complex
- military-industrial complex -- and citizenship
- Military, lesbians and gays in
- Military, U.S., ban on LGBs
- Military: Jews in
- Militia
- Militia -- and corruption
- Militia -- versus standing armies
- Milito, Liborio
- Milk, H.
- Milk, Harvey
- Milk, Harvey -- 1976 assembly campaign
- Milk, Harvey -- assasination of
- Milk, Harvey -- Milk as supervisor
- Milken, Michael
- Mill Girl, The (1913)
- Mill, John Stewart
- Mill, John Stuart
- Mill, John Stuart -- on business freedom
- Mill, John Stuart -- on capital
- Mill, John Stuart -- on cooperative capitalism
- Mill, John Stuart -- on gifts
- Mill, John Stuart -- on government intervention
- Mill, John Stuart -- on inheritance
- Mill, John Stuart -- on justice
- Mill, John Stuart -- on land property rights
- Mill, John Stuart -- on market in capitalism
- Mill, John Stuart -- on property rights
- Mill, John Stuart -- on remuneration
- Mill, John Stuart -- on welfare rights
- Millar, F. E.
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent
- Millennials
- Millennials Rising
- Millennium Park
- Millennium Park (Chicago, IL)
- Millennium Park Inc.
- Miller brothers
- Miller v. California
- Miller v. Johnson
- Miller v. Schoene
- Miller, A. H.
- Miller, A. I.
- Miller, Alan L.
- Miller, Alex
- Miller, Alice
- Miller, Allan
- Miller, Arthur
- Miller, Arthur, on McCarran-Walter Act
- Miller, B.
- Miller, Barbara
- Miller, C
- Miller, Carolyn
- Miller, Claire Cain
- Miller, D. A.
- Miller, David
- Miller, Eleanor
- Miller, G.
- Miller, Gary
- Miller, George F.
- Miller, Isaac
- Miller, Ivor L., Aerosol Kingdom
- Miller, J.
- Miller, J. Hillis
- Miller, James
- Miller, Joyce
- Miller, Judith
- Miller, Kate
- Miller, L., Jr.
- Miller, M.
- Miller, Margaret: "Foods in the Freezer: Are They Safe?"
- Miller, Mark
- Miller, P.
- Miller, Perry
- Miller, Raymond
- Miller, Robert P.
- Miller, Samuel
- Miller, Sarah
- Miller, Sarah Alison
- Miller, Scott
- Miller, Stephen
- Miller, Susan
- Miller, Valerie
- Miller, W.
- Miller, William Lee
- Miller, Wright
- Millett, K.
- Millhauser, Steven
- Millikoff, Ted
- Million Li Across the Rails, A (film, Shin)
- Million Man March
- Mills, Billy
- Mills, C. Wright
- Mills, Wilbur
- Milman, Barbara
- Milner, B.
- Milošević, Misha
- Milošević, Slobodan
- Milosz, Oscar Venceslas de
- Milosz, Oscar Venceslas de -- "Letter to Storge"
- Milosz, Oscar Venceslas de -- "Nihumim"
- Milosz, Oscar Venceslas de -- Great Art
- Milosz, Oscar Venceslas de -- Works: "Canticle of Knowledge"
- Milstein, Naomi
- Milton, John
- Milton, John -- in Philips's rhetoric
- Milton, John: Paradise Lost
- Milwaukee, WI
- mimesis
- Mimesis -- as subversive force
- Mimetic characters: a Horneyan approach to
- Mimicry
- Mims, F. H.
- Mindszenty, Jozsef
- Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
- Mines, Richard
- Mingus, Charles
- Minh-Ha, Trinh T.
- Minh, Ho Chi
- miniatures
- miniatures -- devotional objects
- miniatures -- dioramas
- miniatures -- dolls, dollhouses and
- miniatures -- equestrian figures, 201n2, pl. 6 and pl. 11
- miniatures -- finger puppets
- miniatures -- manuscript illuminations and
- miniatures -- universe and
- miniatures -- various other
- miniaturization
- miniaturization -- craftwork and
- miniaturization -- doubles and recurrence
- miniaturization -- dreamwork and
- miniaturization -- fascinations of
- miniaturization -- fictional forms of
- miniaturization -- magic and
- miniaturization -- monumentality and
- miniaturization -- speed and momentum of
- miniaturization -- subjective time and
- miniaturization -- therapeutic effects
- miniaturization -- uncanny matters
- miniaturization -- uninhabitable images
- Minikeums, Les
- Minimal baseline norms
- minimal cities: and retail development
- Minimal competency standards
- Minimum wage
- Minimum wage laws
- Minimum-wage legislation
- mining
- Ministère AMER
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of International
- Ministry of International Trade and
- Ministry of International Trade and -- collaboration with
- Ministry of International Trade and -- FSX and
- Ministry of International Trade and -- Industry (MITI)
- minjung movement
- Mink, Gwendolyn
- Minkoff, Isaiah
- Minnesota Transracial Adoption
- Minnesota, University of
- MinnPost
- Minogue, Kylie
- minor transnationalism
- Minor v. Happersett
- minorities
- Minorities, role of
- Minorities: deficit model of
- Minority business enterprises
- Minority business enterprises (MBE)
- minority ethnic young people, resistance tactics of
- Minority: teacher
- Minow, Martha
- Minsky, Hyman
- Minsky, Marvin
- minstrels
- Minstrelsy
- Minton, Todd D.
- Minton, Todd D. -- "Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2006"
- Mintz, Steven
- Mintz, Steven -- Digital History
- Miomandre, Francis de
- "Mipsterz—Somewhere In America"
- "mir"
- Miranda v. Arizona
- Miranda, Mike
- Mirikitani, Janice
- Mirk, John
- Mirk, John -- Festial
- Mirk, John -- Instructions for Parish Priests
- Mirlees,J. A.
- Mironov, Boris
- Mirra, Tony
- "Mirror of the Periods of a Man's Life" (poem)
- Mirror stage
- Mirror's Edge
- Mirrors and mirroring
- Mirrors and mirroring -- as metaphor for Angels in the Second Elegy
- Mirrors and mirroring -- in Sonnet II.4
- Mirrors and mirroring -- in The Notebooks
- Mirrors and mirroring -- maternal mirroring
- Mirzoeff, Nicholas
- "Misalliance Dimension in the Case of the Rat Man, The" (Langs)
- miscegenation
- Miscegenation, and the New York Intellectuals
- Misconceptions
- Misconceptions -- dealing with
- mise-en-scene
- Misérables, Les
- Misery index
- Mises, Ludwig von
- Misguided Bobby, The (1905)
- Mishkin, Frederic
- Mishnah
- Mishpat Ivri
- Miskolc (town)
- Misme, Jeanne (Jane)
- misogynism
- misogyny
- Miss Manners (Judith Martin)
- Miss Tiger Lily Delight
- missile crescent
- missing in action
- missing in action -- missing in action/prisoner of war narratives
- Missing in Action II
- Mission M.I.A. (Pollack)
- Mission-oriented research
- Mission, Jewish idea of
- Mississippi
- Mississippi -- documentation
- Mississippi -- historians
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
- Mississippi Gulf Coast
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan
- Missouri v. Jenkins
- Missouri.
- Mist, etymology of
- Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
- MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity
- MIT.
- Mitbestimmung (Codetermination) Act of 1976
- Mitchell-Kernan, Claudia
- Mitchell, Andrea
- Mitchell, Brian R.
- Mitchell, David, Cloud Atlas
- Mitchell, George
- Mitchell, Giles
- Mitchell, Jené
- Mitchell, Jené -- "ode to hip' hop"
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Mitchell, Margaret
- Mitchell, Parren
- Mitchell, Reid
- Mitchell, Representative
- Mitchell, S. A.
- Mitchell, Stephen
- Mitchell, Tony
- Mitchell, W. J. T.
- Mitford, Jessica
- MITI -- Trade and Industry
- MITI and the Japanese Miracle
- MITI and the Japanese Miracle -- (Johnson)
- Mitsubishi Estate Company
- Mitsubishi Estate Company -- Rockefeller Center purchase by
- Mitsui group
- Mittell, Jason
- mitzvot
- Mix Master Mike (DJ)
- Mixed couples
- Mixed marriages
- Mixed marriages -- children of
- Mixed seating
- Mixed seating in synagogue, Mehitzah
- Mixed-race children, definition
- mixing
- Mixner, David
- Miyazaki, Hayao
- Miyazaki, Hirokazu
- Miyazawa, Kiichi
- Miyazawa, Prime Minister Kiichi
- Mizell-Nelson, Michael
- Mizoguchi Kenji
- Mizrachi movement
- Mladić, General Ratko -- indicted war criminal
- Mladić, General Ratko -- list of indictments against
- Mlinko, Ange
- MM Consultants
- Mme Antoinette Gabrielle Mortier de Faucamberge
- MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
- Mnookin, J.
- Mnookin, Seth
- Mobile digital device
- mobile DJ scene
- Mobile handset
- Mobile Musical Networks
- Mobile phone
- Mobile technologies
- Mobile technologies -- and Beijing
- Mobile technologies -- and broadcasting
- Mobile technologies -- as challenge to official narratives
- mobile telephony.
- mobility
- Mobilization
- mobs (monster/mobile)
- Moby Dick: discussed
- Mochul'skii, K.
- mod levels, commercial
- Modak, Nilkanth
- modal personality
- modalities of relation
- modalities of relation -- registering and differentiating
- modalities of relation -- strange modalities of relation in Patchwork Girl
- modding and mods
- modding and mods -- as aesthetic experience
- modding and mods -- Blizzard and
- modding and mods -- Chinese
- modding and mods -- community, and role of
- modding and mods -- creation of
- modding and mods -- damage meters and
- modding and mods -- data on
- modding and mods -- distribution of
- modding and mods -- empowerment and
- modding and mods -- encodes rules and
- modding and mods -- fame and
- modding and mods -- function of
- modding and mods -- game geography coordinates
- modding and mods -- gear organization and
- modding and mods -- history of
- modding and mods -- participatory design activity and
- modding and mods -- resource role of rules, and effects of
- modding and mods -- sociality and
- modding and mods -- updates, and care for
- modding communities.
- modding, as learning experience
- modding, as learning experience -- classroom case study of
- Model change
- Model Cities program
- Model Code of Professional Responsibility
- Model Penal Code
- modeling
- modeling -- as learning experience
- modeling -- in humanities scholarship
- modeling -- light levels
- modeling -- with technology
- Modell, Arnold
- Modell, Arnold H.
- Models of service delivery
- Models of service delivery -- case management
- Models of service delivery -- home care
- Models of service delivery -- integrated care in an inner city hospital
- Models of service delivery -- interdisciplinary horizontally integrated team
- Models of service delivery -- rural networks and systems
- Models of service delivery -- women's center
- Moderation
- Modern consciousness
- Modern Family
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- "Explain Changing Forms of Peer Review"
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- and academic job market
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- and cultural studies
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- and deceptive hiring practices
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- censure of Yale by
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- convention
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- Guidelines for Evaluating Work with Digital Media in the Modern Language
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- Profession
- Modern Language Association (MLA) -- Yale grade strike, response to
- Modern legal scholars
- Modern legal scholars -- theory of language
- Modern legal thinkers
- Modern legal thought
- Modern Medea
- Modern Packaging Journal
- Modern presidency
- Modern presidency -- job description of
- modern science, as dehumanizing
- Modern self
- modern society, understanding change in
- modern society, understanding change in -- "sensitising concepts"
- modern society, understanding change in -- democratization of family
- modern society, understanding change in -- individualization
- modern society, understanding change in -- key changes in
- modern society, understanding change in -- neoliberal economic restructuring
- modern society, understanding change in -- postwar social stability
- modern society, understanding change in -- power shifts
- modern society, understanding change in -- project of self
- modern society, understanding change in -- risk society
- modern society, understanding change in -- simple modernity
- Modern Times Group
- modernism
- Modernism -- artistic
- modernism -- in filmmaking
- Modernism -- legal
- modernism -- mass culture and
- Modernism -- Twentieth-Century Enlightenment
- Modernist concept of reason
- Modernist Enlightenment
- modernity
- Modernity -- and Asian Olympic hosts
- Modernity -- and China
- Modernity -- and Japan's 1940 bid
- Modernity -- and technology
- Modernity -- and Tokyo 1964
- modernity -- capitalist
- modernity -- colonial
- modernity -- film's role in
- Modernity -- material of
- modernity -- postwar
- Modernity -- products of
- Modernity -- theory of
- Modernity, Jews and
- modernization
- Modernization -- in China
- Modernization -- in Japan
- modernization -- in Shin's filmmaking
- Modernization -- in South Korea
- modernization -- of film industry
- modernization -- Park regime's
- Modernization -- vs. hybridity: in Asian Olympic hosts
- Modernization theory
- Modernization theory -- Critical assessment
- Modernization theory, Rogers, Everett M.
- Modersohn-Becker, Paula
- Modersohn-Becker, Paula -- opposition between art and motherhood in her life, in "Requiem for a Friend"
- Modersohn, Otto
- Modeste, Mike
- Modigliani, Franco
- Modjeska, Helen
- Moffat, Wendy
- Moffitt, Robert
- "Mohacs disaster"
- Mohammed, K. Silem
- Mohanty, Chandra
- Mohanty, Chandra Talpade
- Mohanty, Satya
- Mohiliver, Shmuel
- Mohl, Raymond
- Molestation
- Molina, Gloria
- Molinero, Stéphanie
- Moljević, Stevan
- Moll Flanders (Defoe)
- Molnar, Imre
- Molodtsov, Grigorii
- molokans
- Molotch, Harvey
- Molotov, V.
- Mom-and-pop stores
- Mon Pinocchio
- Mona Lisa
- monasticism
- Monatsschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
- Mondale, Walter
- Monde, Le
- mondialisation
- Monetarist economics
- Monetary base
- Monetary damages against union
- Monetary policy
- Money
- Money -- and self-fulfillment
- Money -- as symbol in Dickens
- Money -- illusion
- Money -- in life of Dickens
- Money -- unemployment and
- Money -- velocity
- Money games
- Money games -- Japanese dislike of
- Money games -- reforming
- Money Laundering
- money transactions, real
- Money, J.
- Monism
- Monitorial citizen
- monitors.
- Monmonier, M.
- Monnier, Adrienne
- Monogamy
- Monopolies
- Monopoly -- exchange rate and
- "Monopoly" effect
- Monos (character in "The Colloquy of Monos and Una")
- Monosexism
- Monosexuality
- Monroe, Harriet
- Monroe, Harriet -- "The Columbian"
- Monroe, James
- Monsanto
- monster
- monster closet
- monster films
- Monsters, Inc.
- monstrous issue
- monstrous issue, deformation and
- Montada, Leo
- montage technique
- Montagu, Ashley
- Montague, Philip
- Montaigne, Michel de
- Montaigne, Michel de -- affiliation with Freud
- Montaigne, Michel de -- on experience
- Montaigne, Michel de -- on obsessional character
- Montalban, Ricardo
- Montand, Yves
- Monte de los Olivos Lutheran Church
- Monteflores, C. de
- Montenegro
- Montenegro -- Serbian ally
- Montenegro -- UN imposed sanctions against
- Monter, E. William
- Montesquieu
- Montesquieu, Charles de
- Montesquiou, Comte Robert de
- Montgomery, David
- Montgomery, John
- Montgomery, K.
- Monti, Jasper
- Montreal
- Montreal 1976
- Monts, Lester
- Monuments and Dust
- Mood
- Mood -- disorders
- Mood -- swings
- Moody, Anne: Coming of Age in Mississippi
- Moody, Dwight
- Moody, Rick, The Ring of Brightest Angels around Heaven
- Mookerji, R. J.
- Mookerji, S.
- Moomin series
- Mooney, C
- Moor
- Moore v. Gaston County Board of Education
- Moore, Alfred, and pre-Marshall Court
- Moore, Barrington
- Moore, Birdell Chew
- Moore, Cecil
- Moore, Deborah Dash
- Moore, George
- Moore, George -- A Drama in Muslin
- Moore, George, "Julia Cahill's Curse"
- Moore, Gordon
- Moore, Janet
- Moore, Jerry
- Moore, Jesse H.
- Moore, Jim
- Moore, M.
- Moore, M. S.
- Moore, Marianne
- Moore, Marianne -- "Poetry"
- Moore, Michael
- Moore, Michael -- Roger and Me
- Moore, Patrick
- Moore, phoenix
- Moore, R.
- Moore, R., Jr.
- Moore, Robert and Douglas Gillette
- Moore, Robin
- Moore, Rudi, Jr.
- Moore, Susanna
- Moore, Susanna -- The Big Girls
- Moore, Susanne
- Moore, Zephaniah Swift
- Moore's Law
- Moorish Temple Movement
- Moraga, C.
- Moral agency (Kant)
- Moral capacity
- "moral choir"
- Moral development
- Moral development -- ambivalence in
- Moral didacticism
- Moral disagreement
- Moral disagreement -- and Socrates
- Moral discomfort
- Moral education
- Moral education -- basis of support for
- Moral education -- criticism of values in schools
- Moral education -- curriculum
- Moral education -- in U.S. schools
- Moral equivocation
- Moral equivocation -- equivalency of Serbs, Bosnian Muslims, Croats as perpetrators of war crimes
- Moral independence
- Moral issues
- Moral Majority
- Moral masochism
- Moral opportunism
- Moral outrage
- "moral panic"
- Moral relativism
- Moral relativism -- definition of, and role in postmodernism
- Moral rule orientations
- Moral sense, James Wilson on
- Moral transformation through suffering
- Moral universalism
- Morales, Armando
- Morales, Rebecca, and study of effects of immigrants on automobile parts industry
- morality
- Morality -- and transmission of tradition
- Morality, definition of
- Morality, Dickens's
- Morality, Dickens's -- inverted
- Morality, Jewish
- Morals Police, and Contagious Diseases Act (1864-1869)
- Moran, D.
- Moran, Tim
- Morand, Paul
- Morand, Paul -- "Ode to Marcel Proust"
- Morand, Paul -- Works: Green Shoots
- Moratorium against Vietnam War (1969)
- Moravec, Hans
- Moravia
- Morbidity
- Mordden, E.
- Moreh Nevuchim (Maimonides)
- Morehouse, Henry L.
- Morell, Ernest
- Moreno, Marguerite
- Moretti, Franco, "On Literary Evolution"
- Morgan Staney
- Morgan, Edmund S.
- Morgan, Elaine
- Morgan, Felicia
- Morgan, James
- Morgan, Joe
- Morgan, Lewis Henry
- Morgan, Marcyliena
- Morgan, Mary
- Morgan, Robin
- Morgan, Ruth
- Morgenson, Gretchen
- Morgenstern, Joseph
- Morgenstern, Julian
- Morgenthau, Hans
- Morial Convention Center, Ernest N.
- Morice, Rev. Father
- Morillon, J.
- Morimoto, Mariko, and Susan Chang
- Morin, R.
- Morisot, Berthe
- Morita, Akio
- Morita, Akio -- book by
- Morita, Akio -- negative reaction to
- Morita, Akio -- on long-term strategies
- Morita, Akio -- on M&As
- Moritz, M.
- Morley, David
- Mormon
- Morningstar, C.
- Morotta, T.
- Moroz, Oleg
- Morozov, Evgeny
- morphogenesis
- Morrakiu
- Morrill, Lot M.
- Morris, Adelaide
- Morris, Dick
- Morris, Gouverneur
- Morris, I.
- Morris, Max
- Morris, Meaghan
- Morris, Richard, on implied powers of judicial review
- Morris, Richard, on implied powers of judicial review -- on John Jay
- Morris, Richard, on implied powers of judicial review -- on John Jay's limitations
- Morris, Robert
- Morris, Robert -- and John Rutledge
- Morris, Thomas
- Morris, W.
- Morris, William
- Morrison, Toni
- Morrison, Toni -- (as) Modernist
- Morrison, Toni -- Beloved
- Morrison, Toni -- Black Book
- Morrison, Toni -- Link with hip-hop
- Morrison, Toni -- Playing in the Dark
- Morrison, Toni -- Race
- Morrison, Toni -- Rememory as hip-hop aesthetics
- Morrison, Toni -- Song of Solomon
- Morrison, Toni -- Sula
- Morrison, Toni -- teaching
- Morrison, Toni -- Testimony in The Wind Done Gone litigation
- Morrison, Toni -- The Bluest Eye
- Morrison, Toni -- Visual culture
- Morrison, William Douglas
- Morrissey, Joel Rene
- Morrow, Lance
- Morse, Geoff
- Morse, Geoff -- Collaborative & Distributed
- Morse, Geoff -- Iterative & Experimental
- Morse, Geoff -- Open & Accessible
- Morse, Josiah
- mortality rates
- Mortensen, T.
- Morton, Donald
- Morton, Jelly Roll
- Morton, Oliver H. P. T.
- Morton, Samuel George
- Morton, Timothy
- Mosbacher, Robert
- Mosca, F.
- Moscone, George
- Moscow 1980
- Moseley-Braun, Sen. Carol
- Mosely-Braun, Carol
- Moser, Moses
- Moser, Walter
- Moses
- Moses Alsheich, Rabbi
- Moses Cordovero, Rabbi
- Moses de Leon, Rabbi
- Moses Herzog (Herzog)
- Moses Narboni, Rabbi
- Moses of Burgos, Rabbi
- Moses Taku, Rabbi
- Moses, Bob
- Moses, Robert
- Mosher survey
- Moshtrogen
- Mosk, Stanley
- Moskowitz, Belle
- Moskowitz, Henry
- Moskowitz, R.
- Mosmiller, Thomas
- Moss, Michael
- Mossberg, Walt
- Most Dangerous Situation, The
- Most, Johann
- Mostar
- Mostern, Kenneth
- Mother -- "good enough" (D. W. Winnicott's concept)
- Mother -- and "protective environment"
- Mother -- and eating disorders
- Mother -- and incest
- Mother -- as a parasite
- Mother -- as comforter and protector in The Notebooks and the Third Elegy
- Mother -- as destroyer
- Mother -- as part of self
- Mother -- as source of child's sense of solidity and form
- Mother -- background of
- Mother -- closest to
- Mother -- daughter resembles
- Mother -- desire to invent a lovable mother
- Mother -- disguised surrogate in The Sonnets
- Mother -- effects of lack of empathy
- Mother -- effects of mental and emotional illness on child
- Mother -- etymology
- Mother -- fantasies of maternal perfection
- Mother -- fantasy of fusion with
- Mother -- fear of a vengeful, punishing parent
- Mother -- honor thy
- Mother -- I/eye-less
- Mother -- in fairy tales
- Mother -- maternal face and presence
- Mother -- maternal failures and destructiveness
- Mother -- maternal figures in Rilke's works
- Mother -- maternal mirroring
- Mother -- narcissistic
- Mother -- original unity with
- Mother -- painful dependence on
- Mother -- polarizing of Phia Rilke and Salomé
- Mother -- possessive mother in Sons and Lovers
- Mother -- primal mother in Unfinished Elegy of 1920
- Mother -- prison as
- Mother -- Rilke's search for
- Mother -- sea as symbol of
- Mother -- sick
- Mother -- single
- Mother -- survivors
- "mother earth"
- Mother figure
- Mother Goose
- "Mother in her mirror role"
- Mother of Dickens (Elizabeth Dickens)
- Mother of Dickens (Elizabeth Dickens) -- and Dickens's view of woman
- Mother of Dickens (Elizabeth Dickens) -- deficiencies in
- Mother of Dickens (Elizabeth Dickens) -- Dickens's relationship with
- Mother of Dickens (Elizabeth Dickens) -- returning him to factory work
- mother of God ("Bogoroditsa")
- "Mother Russia"
- Mother substitutes, harsh, punitive
- Mother-infant relationship
- Mother-infant relationship -- realization of self in
- mother, role of
- Mother, the
- Mother, the -- all-providing
- Mother, the -- as source of goodness
- Mother, the -- as Stella Maris
- Mother, the -- castrating
- Mother, the -- face of, as archetypal symbol
- Mother, the -- feelings toward
- Mother, the -- idealized
- Mother, the -- in image of woman in Dickens
- Mother, the -- infant hate toward
- Mother, the -- introducing infant to reality
- Mother, the -- recognition of the existential being
- Mother, the -- remembered voice of
- Mother, the -- reparation and
- Mother, the -- role of lost
- Mother, the -- substitute
- Mother, the -- woman as
- Mother(s) -- and trust for peers
- Mother(s) -- as inspiration
- Mother(s) -- as positive role models
- Mother(s) -- desire to protect
- Mother(s) -- Eva's relationship with
- Mother(s) -- girls' relationship with
- Mother(s) -- importance of
- Mother(s) -- interview protocol on
- Mother(s) -- intimacy with
- Mother(s) -- Malcolm's relationship with
- Mother(s) -- providing emotional support for
- Mother(s) -- willingness to challenge
- motherhood
- motherhood -- and whiteness
- motherhood -- and women of color
- motherhood -- Black
- Motherhood -- Catherine Dickens and
- Motherhood -- idealization of
- motherhood -- Latina
- motherhood -- normative domesticity
- motherhood, voluntary
- motherhood, voluntary -- as class privilege
- Mothering Underground
- Mothering Underground -- alliances of
- Mothering Underground -- and antiracism
- Mothering Underground -- and racial justice
- Mothering Underground -- coalition building
- Mothering Underground -- ecological activism of
- Mothering Underground -- on economic distortion
- Mothering Underground -- on survival, threats to
- motherlove
- Mothers -- interactions with infants
- Mothers -- studies of, and daughters
- Motion Picture Law, Park regime
- Motion Picture Law, Park regime -- censorship provisions
- Motion Picture Law, Park regime -- First
- Motion Picture Law, Park regime -- revisions to
- Motion Picture Promotion Corporation
- motion pictures
- Motivation(s)
- Motivational, emotional, and cognitive (psychological) structures
- Motivations -- allocentric
- Motivations -- and social context
- Motivations -- axiological
- Motivations -- for altruism
- Motivations -- normocentric
- Motivations -- of interveners in Armenian Genocide
- Motivations -- of rescuers of Jews
- Motivations -- self-oriented
- Motivations for learning
- Motivations for learning -- Brown and Levinson on
- Motivations for learning -- elementary schools
- Motivations for learning -- fun
- Motivations for learning -- in Japanese
- Motivations for learning -- intrinsic vs. extrinsic
- Motive
- Motives
- Motley, Archibald
- Motley, Willard, Knock on Any Door
- Motor City Labor League
- Motor Psycho
- "Motor voter" Bill
- Motorola
- Motto
- Mouawad, Jad
- Mouffe, Chantal
- Mouloudji, Marcel
- Moulthrop, Stuart
- Moulton, Harold
- Mound Correctional Facility
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Vernon, N.Y.
- Mountain (film, Shin)
- Mountain Brothers
- mourning
- Mourning -- comparison of Freud's ideas on responses to death with Rilke's
- Mourning -- Freud on
- Mourning -- Klein on
- Mourning-Liberation Process, The
- Movement for Economic Justice
- movie stars
- movies
- Moving and storage industry (New York City)
- Mowlana, Hamid
- Moxley, Joseph
- Moyers, Bill
- Moyers, Bill, The Language of Life
- Moyes, Ron
- Moyle, Natalie
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick -- on family planning
- Mozart
- Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education
- Mozilla
- MP3 players
- Mr. Belvedere
- Mr. Ed
- "Mr. Gilfil's Love Story"
- Mr. Love and Justice (Maclnnes)
- Mr. Mom
- Mr. Sammler's Planet
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- "Mrs. Manners"
- Ms. Foundation
- Ms. magazine
- Ms. magazine, survey of sexuality
- Mt. Pleasant, MI
- MTV -- Free Your Mind
- MTV -- Unplugged
- Much Ado about Nothing (Shakespeare)
- Mudaliar, Varadarajan (Vardhabhai)
- "Mudpie"
- Mueller v. Allen
- Mueller, Addison
- Muestra of Peruvian Theater
- Muestra of Peruvian Theater -- Eleventh Annual
- Mufti, Aamir
- Muhammad, Elijah
- Muhammad, Khalid
- Mühlfeld, Jeanne (Mme Lucien)
- Muir, John, ecstatic union with nature in
- Mujica, Javier
- Mukherjee, Bharati, Wife
- Mukhija, Vinit
- Mukund Nagar
- Mulder, Arjen
- Mules and Men (Hurston)
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- black cat bone scene in
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- critical reviews of
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- critique of ethnographic practice in
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- death threat in
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- deconstructing racial distinctions
- Mules and Men (Hurston) -- ritual use of material objects in
- Mulholland Dr.
- Mullahy, P.
- Mullany, Gerry
- Muller v. Oregon
- Muller, August
- Müller, F. Henrietta
- Muller, Jerry
- Mullins, James
- Mulryan, Dave
- multi-user virtual environments, learning in
- Multicultural
- Multicultural -- body
- Multicultural -- education
- Multicultural -- issues
- Multicultural -- literature
- Multicultural -- pedagogy
- Multicultural -- revolution
- Multicultural -- teacher
- Multicultural -- theory
- multicultural education -- and colorblind difference
- multicultural education -- and ELL
- multicultural education -- and ESL
- multicultural education -- and human relations
- multicultural education -- and learning styles
- multicultural education -- and powerblind sameness
- multicultural education -- and social class
- multicultural nation
- multicultural nation -- love
- Multicultural perspectives
- Multicultural perspectives -- law talk
- Multicultural perspectives -- multicultural legal studies
- multicultural proximity
- multicultural(ism)
- Multiculturalism -- American
- Multiculturalism -- and treatment of Serbia
- Multiculturalism -- criticism of
- Multiculturalism -- debates on
- Multiculturalism -- defined
- Multiculturalism -- impact of
- Multiculturalism -- support of
- multiculturalist perspective
- multidisciplinarity
- Multilayered system, promoting
- Multilingualism
- multimedia
- multimedia -- era
- multimedia -- meetings
- multimedia -- storytelling
- multimedia -- team, and web producers
- multimedia -- virus
- Multimodal Humanities
- multimodal principle of learning
- multimodal principle of learning -- TEACH Project and
- Multinational corporations
- multiplayer
- Multiple consciousness
- multiple establishments
- Multiple jeopardy
- Multiple jeopardy -- defined
- Multiple narrators: in Wuthering Heights
- Multiple Personality Disorder
- Multiple Personality Disorder -- alters
- Multiple Personality Disorder -- as adaptive
- multiracial elements of hip-hop
- Multiracials
- Multiracials -- affirmative action dilemmas
- Multiracials -- artificiality of categorization
- Multiracials -- controversy concerning category
- Multiracials -- effects of political exclusion
- Multiracials -- pervasiveness within African-American community
- multistability
- Multitasking
- "Multiversity"
- Mulvey, L.
- Mulvey, Laura
- Mumbai -- economic competitiveness
- Mumbai -- history, early development
- Mumbai -- politics
- Mumbai -- population growth
- Mumbai -- real estate
- Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA)
- Mumbai Urban Transportation Project (MUTP)
- Mumford, F.
- Mumford, L.
- Mumford, Lewis
- mummification
- Mun Ye-bong
- Mundy, Godfrey C: Our Antipodes
- Munford, Howard
- Munich 1972
- Munich 1972 -- and hijack of
- Munich agreement
- Munich Crisis
- Municipal Commissioner
- municipal incorporation
- Municipal Ward Councilors
- Munoz, Maria
- Muñoz, Rosalio
- Munro, George
- Munroe, Ruth
- Munzer, Stephen R.
- Muppets, The
- Murav, Harriet
- Muravchik, Emanuel
- Murch, Donna
- Murchison, Carl
- murder
- Murder -- association of woman with
- Murder -- Dickens's preoccupation with
- Murder -- in Our Mutual Friend
- Murder -- in Victorian sexuality
- Murder -- preoccupation with, in Great Expec tations
- Murder -- primal scene as
- Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The
- Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation
- Murder, in ancient Greece
- Murderousness, in Dickens's attitude toward woman
- Murdoch, Ellen Press
- Murdoch, Iris
- Murdoch, Rupert
- Murkowski, Sen. Frank
- Murphy, Arthur
- Murphy, Brenda
- Murphy, Ed
- Murphy, Eileen
- Murphy, Esther
- Murphy, Harold
- Murphy, M.
- Murphy, Patrick
- Murphy, Walter
- Murr, A.
- Murray, Albert
- Murray, C
- Murray, Charles
- Murray, Donald
- Murray, J.
- Murray, Janet
- Murray, Janet -- Hamlet on the Holodeck
- Murray, Judith Sargent
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and bachelors
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and education
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and language
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and marriage
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and political patriarchy
- Murray, Judith Sargent -- and women
- Murray, Lindley, and John Jay apprenticeship
- Murray, Lindley, and John Jay apprenticeship -- and assessment of John Jay
- Murray, Philip
- Murray, S.
- Murray, Sen. Patty
- Murry, John Middleton
- Murti, T. R. V.
- Musafia, Binyamin
- Musak
- Museum of E-Failure
- Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
- museum, collections and display
- museums
- museums -- as pedagogical sites
- Musgrave, Richard
- music
- music -- Abby's appreciation of
- music -- level attainment in
- music -- making
- Music -- piano lessons
- music -- taste, social class and
- music -- teacher relationship
- music learning
- music learning -- Alice's, Sara's, and Abby's experiences
- music learning -- discipline and habit connections and disconnections
- music learning -- informal curriculum of
- music learning -- learner identity in
- music learning -- nonconvertible (sub)cultural capital
- music learning -- obedient children
- music learning -- private music lessons
- music learning -- reluctant young people
- music learning -- school learning transfer
- music learning -- school music lessons
- music learning -- self-motivated
- music learning -- self-taught
- music learning -- structured alternatives
- music learning -- young people's preferences
- Music, as self-expression
- music, soundtrack
- Music: gender messages in
- musical instrument
- musical texts
- musical texts -- creating in class
- musical texts -- using in blogs
- musical texts -- using in PowerPoint presentation
- musical texts -- using in professional development session
- musicals
- Muskie, Edmund
- Muslim American Society
- Muslim Public Affairs Council
- Muslim rage
- Muslim Student Association (MSA)National
- Muslim Students Union
- Muslim Youth Group
- Muslims
- Muslims -- fate of, compared to Armenians
- Mussolini, Benito
- Mussorgsky, Modest
- Mustang Ranch
- Muste, Abraham Johannes
- Muth, R.
- Muther, Richard
- Mutilation, Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Mutual altruism, stage of
- mutual embodiment
- Mutuality
- My Blue Notebooks (Pougy)
- My Cousin Vinny
- My Favorite Year (movie)
- My Hometown (film)
- My Lai massacre
- "My Negro Problem—And Ours"
- My Old Man's Place
- My Shadow Ran Fast (Sands)
- My Space
- "My Victories" (Vivient)
- Myanmar
- Myerhoff, Barbara
- Myers v. U.S.
- Myers-Wall, Judith
- Myers-Wall, Judith -- "Children as Victims of Hurricane Katrina"
- Myers, C. A.
- Myers, Dee Dee
- Myers, Jeffrey
- Myers, Jeffrey -- attributing conservation ethic to Chesnutt
- Myers, Jeffrey -- on terror in subjectivity
- Myers, Sondra
- Myers, Thomas
- Myl'nikova, K.
- MyLifeBits
- Mylonas, Elli
- Myrdal, Gunnar
- Myron, N.
- Myrour of the Worlde, The
- Myshkin (Dostoevsky)
- Mysophilic practice, defined
- Myst
- Myst -- as a crossover game
- Myst -- best-selling
- Myst -- defined as a game
- Myst -- endings of
- Myst -- expository devices
- Myst -- extras included
- Myst -- instruction booklet
- Myst -- mythology of
- Myst -- on display at Digital World Expo
- Myst -- packaging of
- Myst -- platforms of
- Myst -- pricing of
- Myst -- reasons for success
- Myst -- release of
- Myst -- sales of
- Myst -- soundtrack of
- Myst -- staging in depth
- Myst -- world of
- Myst III: Exile
- Myst Island
- Myst Island Recreation Initiative
- Myst IV: Revelation
- Myst Masterpiece Edition
- Myst novels
- Myst V: End of Ages
- Myst-like games
- Myst: 10th Anniversary DVD Edition
- Myst: The Book of Atrus
- Myst: The Book of D'ni
- Myst: The Book of Ti'ana
- Myst: The Puzzling New Board Game Adventure
- Mystérieuses Cités d'Or, Les
- Mysterious Island, The
- Mystery House
- mystery religions
- Mystical experience, four keynote features of
- Mystical process
- mysticism
- Mystification
- Myth
- "mythic agency"
- Mythic and Adamic
- Mythologies (Barthes)
- Mythopoetics