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Topics: 2060
- D' Emilio, John
- D'Acci, J.
- d'Alembert, Jean
- D'Amato, Alfonse, Whitewater committee compared to McCarthyism
- D'Amico, Toby
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele -- Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, The
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele -- Work: Contemplation of Death, The
- D'Arco, Alfonse
- d'Aulnoy, Countess Marie Catherine, Fairy Tales
- D'Cunha, Jean
- D'Emilio, J.
- D'Erasmo, Stacy: "The Uses of Doubt"
- D'Monte, Darryl
- D'ni (Dunny)
- D'Souza, Dinesh
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- and "liberal antiracism"
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- and cultural relativism
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- and extreme conservatism
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- and proposed repeal of Civil Rights Act of 1964
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- on slavery
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- on stereotypes
- D'Souza, Dinesh -- success of
- D'Souza, Dinesh: Illiberal Education
- da Vinci, Leonardo
- Dabrowski, K.
- Dachau
- Dada and Dadaist
- Dade County Coalition for Humanistic Rights of Gays
- Dade County Community College
- Dads Against Divorce Discrimination
- Daedalus
- Daedalus
- Daf yomi movement
- Dahl, R.
- Dahl, Robert
- Dahl, Vladimir
- Dahlberg, Charles
- Dahlberg, Edward
- Dahlgren, Peter
- Dahlgren, Peter -- and duty
- Dahlgren, Peter -- and efficacy
- Dahlgren, Peter -- and interest
- Dahlgren, Peter -- and meaningfulness
- Dahlgren, Peter -- and motivation
- Dähne, Ferdinand
- Dahon, Renée
- Dahrendorf, Ralf, on the logic of economics as basis of politics
- Dailey, D. M.
- Daily Kos
- daily life
- Daily News & Analysis (DNA)
- Dajenya
- Dakota Theater Caravan
- Daley, James
- Daley, Patricia
- Dalio, Raymond
- Dalkey Archive Press
- Dallas
- Dallas, Alexander
- Dallek, Geraldine
- Dallin, David
- Dalton, Clare
- Dalton, Elizabeth
- Dalton, Russell
- Daly, M.
- Daly, Mary
- Daly, Nicholas
- damage
- damage meters
- Damer, B.
- Damned Right (B. Johnson)
- Damon, G.
- Damrosch, David
- Dana, James
- Dana, Richard Henry
- Dance of Death, The
- Dancer of Shamahka (Ohanian)
- Dandridge, Dorothy
- Danforth, John
- Danforth, Senator William
- Danforth, William
- Dang Nhat Minh
- Danger
- Danger -- and male friends
- Danger -- apprehension of
- Danger -- awareness of
- Danger -- escaping from
- Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement
- Dangerous Liaisons (Laclos)
- Dangerous supplement
- Daniel
- Daniel (biblical book of)
- Daniel Freeman Hospital
- Daniel v. Waters
- Daniel, Sharon, Public Secrets
- Daniell, Christopher
- Daniels, M.
- Danilov, Kirsha
- Danish public service broadcaster (DR)
- Dank, B.
- Dannemyer, William
- Dannemyer, William: attacks HHS report on LGB teen suicide
- Dante
- Dante Alighieri
- Dante Alighieri, Inferno
- Danto, Arthur
- Danyliw, H. L.
- Danzey, Sheila
- Danzig, David
- Daranyi, Kalman
- Darby, Michael
- dares
- Darfur
- DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), "Supporting the Digital Humanities"
- Daring Daylight Burglary (1903)
- Dark Chambers
- dark ecology (Morton)
- "Dark Side of Digital Humanities, The"
- darkness
- Darkness -- and evil
- Darkness -- and filth
- Darkness -- and filth in films
- Darkness -- and ghoulies
- Darkness -- as having mass
- Darkness -- essential in punishment
- Darkness -- etymology of
- Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
- Darlin, Damon
- Darling-Hammond, L.
- Darman, Richard
- Darnton, Robert
- Darrow, Clarence
- Darrow, Clarence -- life of
- Darrow, Clarence -- trial of Lieut. Massey
- Darrow, Clarence -- trial of Ossian and Henry Sweet
- Dars, Jean
- Darsey, J.
- Dartmouth College
- Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)
- Dartmouth Review
- Darvas, Jozsef
- Darwin, Charles
- Darwin, Charles, evolutionary theory of
- Darwin, Charles, evolutionary theory of -- Origin of Species, The
- Darwin's theory of evolution
- Darwinian evolutionary theory
- Darwinian evolutionary theory -- social Darwinism
- Darwinism
- Das Ich
- Das, Gurcharan
- Das, P. K.
- Dasein (Heidegger)
- Dasenbrock, Reed Way
- Dasgupta, Surdrenath
- Dash, Julia
- Dash, Julie
- Dash, Julie -- Daughters of the Dust
- Dash, Julie -- The Making of the Daughters of the Dust
- Daston, Lorraine
- data
- data -- algorithmic parsing
- Data -- analysis of
- data -- attribute
- data -- encoding
- Data -- importance of openness in gathering of
- data -- modeling
- Data -- objectivity of
- Data -- surprises in
- Data analyses
- Data analyses -- qualitative
- Data analyses -- statistical
- Data mine
- Data Resources, Inc.
- Data-mining links
- Databases
- Databases -- for evaluation
- Databases -- information sources
- dating
- Daubert Case
- Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals
- Daugherty v. City of El Paso
- Daughter -- and class standards
- Daughter -- and father
- Daughter -- and mother
- Daughter -- life without
- Daughter figure
- Daughter figure -- in Shakespeare
- Daughter theme, sexual feeling underlying
- daughters
- Daughters of Bilitis
- Daughters of Liberty
- Daunay, Bertrand
- Dave, Kushal
- Davenport, D.
- Davenport, Susan
- Davey D. (hip-hop journalist)
- David (King of Israel)
- David ben Judah he-Hasid, Rabbi
- David Copperfield (Dickens)
- David Copperfield (Dickens) -- guilt in
- David Copperfield (Dickens) -- orphan theme in
- David-Rhonfeld, Valerie von
- David-Solar wage series
- David, Deborah
- David, Paul
- Davidoff, Paul
- Davidson, Carl
- Davidson, Cathy
- Davidson, Cathy -- "institution" as a "mobilizing network"
- Davidson, Cathy -- educating
- Davidson, Cathy -- field names
- Davidson, Cathy -- Humanities 1.0
- Davidson, Cathy -- Humanities 2.0
- Davidson, Cathy -- interdisciplinarity in HASTAC
- Davidson, Cathy -- Learning 2.0
- Davidson, Cathy -- ten principles for redesigning learning institutions
- Davidson, S.
- Davie, Sharon
- Davie, William
- Davies, P. C. W.
- Davies, Tony
- Davies, W.
- Davis-Bacon Act
- Davis, Angela
- Davis, Angela -- abortion rights movement, critique of
- Davis, Arthur K.
- Davis, Barbara Hillyer
- Davis, David Brion
- Davis, David Brion, on slavery
- Davis, Diane E.
- Davis, E.
- Davis, Frankie
- Davis, Garrett
- Davis, George
- Davis, James
- Davis, Jefferson
- Davis, John W.
- Davis, Kingsley
- Davis, Mike
- Davis, Mike -- Planet of Slums
- Davis, Natalie Zemon
- Davis, P. J.
- Davis, Peter
- Davis, Rebecca Frost
- Davis, Rennie
- Davis, Robert Con
- Davis, Sammy, Jr.
- Davis, Senator Garrett
- Davis, Thomas T.
- Davison, Emily
- Davka
- Davy Crockett
- Dawidowicz, Lucy
- Dawkins, R.
- Dawkins, Richard
- Dawkins, Richard -- The Selfish Gene
- Dawkins, Richard M.
- "Dawn of Chosŏn Cinema, The"
- Dawson, John
- Dawson, John L.
- Day care
- Day care, Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- "Day of Digital Humanities"
- Day v. Excel Corporation, 1996 WL 294341 (D. Kan. May 17, 1996)
- Day, Dorothy
- Dayan, Daniel
- Dayan, Joan
- Dayan, Moshe
- Days, Drew, III
- Dayton
- Dayton Accord
- Dayton Accord -- and genocide
- Dayton Accord -- partition plan
- Dayton Accord -- right to self-defense
- Dayton, OH
- De Armond, Richard
- De Avila v. Civiletti
- de Bracton, Henry
- De Caro, Francis A.
- de Certeau, M.
- de Certeau, Michel
- de Certeau, Michel: The Practice of Everyday Life
- de Charny, Geoffroi
- de Custine, Astolphe
- De Grey, Lady
- De Jesus, Petra
- De la Rue, Mrs.
- De La Soul
- De Landa, Manuel
- de Leon, Lakandiwa M.
- De Longchamps Affair, and James Wilson
- de Man, Paul
- De Man, Paul -- "The Rhetoric of Blindness"
- De Meyer, G.
- de Pascalis, Andrea
- De Quincey, Thomas
- De Quincey, Thomas -- Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- de Rosnay, Joël
- de Saint-Simon, Henri
- De Secretis Mulierum
- De Sola Pool, David
- de Sola Pool, Ithiel
- De Solla Price, Derek J.
- De Spermate
- de Tocqueville, Alexis
- De Visser, M. W.
- De-westernize (or de-Westernization of) media/communication studies
- Dead babies
- Dead babies: symbolism of, in Bleak House
- Dead Prez
- Dead Woman (film, Shin)
- Dead, rights of the
- dead/failed media
- Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)
- Deadmon, Professor
- Deadwyler, Barbara
- Deadwyler, Leonard
- deafness (as metaphor for moral ignorance)
- deafness (as metaphor for moral ignorance) -- Wendell Phillips's use of
- Deal or No Deal
- Dealbook
- Dean, H.
- Dean, Jodi
- DeAngelis v. El Paso Municipal Police Officers Association
- Deans, Thomas: Writing and Community Action
- Dear Esther
- death
- Death -- and depending on others
- Death -- as fetus and fruit growing within us
- death -- as loss of self
- Death -- as plenitude and fulfillment
- death -- as turning to clay
- Death -- association of woman with
- Death -- attitude toward
- Death -- characters' relation to, in Little Dorrit
- Death -- continuing connection with the dead
- Death -- denial of
- Death -- effects of a parent's
- death -- equation of conjure with (Chesnutt)
- Death -- fear of
- Death -- in Great Expectations
- death -- in Hurston's voodoo (hoodoo) cosmology
- Death -- in Our Mutual Friend
- Death -- loss of freedom and authenticity as
- death -- of society or humanity
- death -- Poe's metaphysics of
- Death -- Rilke's conception of
- Death -- sexuality and
- Death -- theme in Dickens
- Death and dying
- Death and dying -- and American Indians
- Death and dying -- and burnout
- Death and dying -- and children
- Death and dying -- and provider covenant
- Death and dying -- and spirituality
- Death and dying -- client concerns
- Death and dying -- societal attitude
- Death camps
- Death drive theory
- death instinct
- Death of a Salesman
- Death of Common Sense
- Death of Desire, The (Thompson)
- Death of the Law, The (Fiss)
- Death penalty
- Death penalty -- and Clarence Thomas
- Death penalty -- and Randall Kennedy
- Death penalty litigation
- Death, and rebirth
- Death: object relations of
- Deathdream
- deathmatch
- Deb, E.
- debate
- DeBella, Thomas
- DeBenedetti, Charles and Charles Chat-field
- Debevoise, Judge Dickinson
- debit cards
- Debold, Elizabeth
- Debord, Guy
- Debord, Guy, on contemporary spectacle
- Debout, Jean-Jacques
- Debs, Eugene
- Debs, Eugene -- and American community
- Debs, Eugene -- and American radical tradition
- Debs, Eugene -- and charisma
- Debs, Eugene -- Bible and
- Debs, Eugene -- Camille Paglia compared to
- Debs, Eugene -- contrasted to McCarthy
- Debs, Eugene -- epistemology of
- Debs, Eugene -- gay liberation compared to
- Debs, Eugene -- martyrdom and
- Debs, Eugene -- on slavery
- Debs, Eugene -- on virtue and manhood
- Debs, Eugene -- poetry in
- Debs, Eugene -- rebirth
- Debs, Eugene -- versus compromise
- Debs, Eugene -- Welch compared to
- Debs, Katherine Metzel, on Debs
- Debt problems, in U.S. in the 1780s
- Debt repayment model
- decadence
- DeCarlo, Gyp
- Decavalcante crime family
- DeCecco, J. P.
- Decenteredness of experience
- decentralization
- deception
- Decertification elections
- DeChristopher, Fred
- DeCicco, Frank
- Decision analysis seminars
- Decision making
- Decision-making process, employee involvement in
- Decisions/decision making
- Decisions/decision making -- acceptability
- Decisions/decision making -- advice
- Decisions/decision making -- centrality of in modern life
- Decisions/decision making -- cognitive and emotional flexibility in
- Decisions/decision making -- consensus building
- Decisions/decision making -- consultation with others in
- Decisions/decision making -- policy
- Decisions/decision making -- political
- Decisions/decision making -- processes
- Decisions/decision making -- quality
- Decisions/decision making -- routines
- Decisions/decision making -- rules
- Decisions/decision making -- style
- Decisions/decision making -- William J. Clinton's
- Decker, Jeffrey Louis
- Declaration of Breda
- Declaration of Independence
- Declaration of Independence -- and James Wilson
- Declaration of Independence -- as abolitionist ideal
- Declaration of Independence -- as judicial rhetoric
- Declaration on Health and Human Rights
- decolonization
- deconstruction
- Deconstructionist view of science
- Decoud (Nostromo)
- Decrees imposed on Jews
- Decrees imposed on Jews -- exemption of converts from
- Decretales
- Decretum
- Decriminalization of prostitute women
- Decsey, Geza
- Décsi, Imre
- Decter, Midge
- decursing
- Decursive (mod)
- Dedalus, Stephen
- DeDios, Aurora Javate
- Deductivism
- Deductivism -- in legal reasonism
- Deductivism -- in moral reasoning
- Dee Nasty
- Dee, Ruby
- Deeandroid
- Deeandroid (hip-hop DJ and study participant)
- Deejaying
- Deem, Mike
- Deep Image poetry
- Deer Hunter, The
- Deer-field Correctional Facility
- Deerfield Correctional Facility
- Def Poetry Jam
- Defective Detective, The (1913)
- Defectors
- Defender
- Defense
- Defense -- joint projects in
- Defense -- perception gap over
- Defense -- responsibility for
- Defense -- spending for
- Defense -- trade and
- defense contracting
- defense contracting -- in CA
- defense contracting -- post-Reagan
- Defense Department -- FSX and
- Defense Department -- Fujitsu and
- defense industry: in Southern California
- Defense Investigative Service (DIS)
- Defense mechanisms
- Defense mechanisms -- denial
- Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
- Defense policy
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program
- Deffand de la Lande, Marquise du
- defiance
- deficit
- deficit -- beliefs
- Deficit reduction
- defining
- defining -- declaring
- defining -- declaring Statement 1
- defining -- declaring Statement 2
- defining -- declaring Statement 3
- defining -- declaring Statement 4
- defining -- declaring Statement 5
- defining -- declaring Statement 6
- defining -- engaging
- defining -- locating
- Definition of death
- "Definition" (Wickham)
- Definitive Treaty of Peace with Britain (Paris Treaty of 1783), and John Jay
- Defoe, Daniel
- Defoe, Daniel -- Moll Flanders
- Defoe, Daniel -- The History of the Devil
- DeFrank, T.
- Degas, Edgar
- Degenerate cases
- degenerative disease
- DeGeneres, Ellen
- Dégh, Linda
- Degler, Carl
- Dehumanization
- Dehumanization -- and pornography
- Dehumanization -- and prostitution
- Dehumanization -- Patricia Hearst
- Dehumanization -- stages of
- Dehumanization of Jews
- Deihl, M.
- Deimos
- deindividualization
- deindustrialization
- Del Monte
- Del Vecchio, John
- Delacroix, Eugéne
- Delacroix, Eugéne -- Liberty Leading the People
- DeLanda, Manuel
- Delany, Martin
- Delaporte, François
- Delarue-Mardrus -- Lucie
- Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie -- as Poe's translator
- Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie -- Selected Poems, Last Unpublished Verse, Translations
- Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie -- untitled poem
- Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie -- Works: "Prefatory Poem"
- delayed animation
- Delbanco, Nicholas
- Delcambre, Isabelle
- Deleuze, G.
- Deleuze, Gilles
- Deleuze, Gilles -- Félix Guattari, Capitalism and Schizophrenia
- Delgado Community College
- Delgado, Carlos García
- Delgado, Richard
- Delgado, Richard, article on severe environmental deprivation as a defense
- Delgado, Sylvia
- Delhi
- Delia, J. G.
- Deliberative democracy
- delinquency
- Delirium
- Delirium -- diagnostic criteria
- Delirium -- prevalence
- Delitzsch, Franz
- Dellacroce, Aniello
- Dellacroce, Aniello -- death of
- Dellacroce, Aniello -- indictment
- Dellinger, Dave
- Dellums, Ron
- Delon, Alain
- Deloria, Ella
- Deloria, V., Jr.
- DeLoria, Vine
- Delphy, Christine
- Delueze, Gilles
- Delusional psychoses
- Delusions
- Delusions -- as key to psychosis
- Delusions -- denied reality patched with
- Delusions -- experience of psychotic
- Delusions of grandeur
- Delusions of persecution
- Delwiche, A.
- Delwiche, Aaron
- DeMaillie, Raymond, J.
- Demaitre, Luke
- DeMarco, Dominic
- DeMarco, John
- dematerialization
- DeMause, L.
- DeMause, Lloyd
- Dembitz, Lewis N.
- Dementia praecox
- Demerath, P.
- Demers, David
- demilitarization
- Deming, Bruce
- Demjanjuk v. Petrovsky
- democracy
- Democracy -- acculturation of
- Democracy -- and China's imprisonment of activists
- Democracy -- and deliberation
- Democracy -- and Japan (Tokyo 1964 Games)
- Democracy -- and justification
- Democracy -- and media
- Democracy -- and participation
- Democracy -- and Russia
- Democracy -- and South Korea
- democracy -- in government
- democracy -- in religion
- Democracy -- industrial
- Democracy -- Japanese
- Democracy -- political
- Democracy -- rise of
- democracy / democratization
- Democracy Remixed
- Democratic
- Democratic -- "characters"
- Democratic -- candidates
- Democratic -- party
- Democratic -- process
- Democratic -- systems
- Democratic disorders
- Democratic Leadership Conference
- Democratic National Committee
- Democratic National Convention (1968)
- Democratic Party -- 1968 National Convention
- Democratic Party -- 1976 National Convention
- Democratic Party -- 1984 National Convention
- Democratic Party -- and race
- Democratic party -- effect of control in both houses on Clinton
- Democratic Party -- MFDP, refusal to seat
- Democratic Party: and LGB voters
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)
- Democratic process: legal process tradition
- Democratic Societies
- Democratization
- Democrats
- "Democrats only" strategy
- Democrats, and anti-Chinese crusade of 1800s
- "Demographic" capital
- demographics
- Demography, Jewish
- Demon Seed (film)
- Demon/Devil
- Demon/Devil -- ego
- Demon/Devil -- Satan
- Demon/Devil -- woman as gateway of
- demonology
- demons
- Demoralization costs
- Demos, John
- Demuth Development Corp. v. Merck and Co., Inc.
- Den of Thieves (1905)
- Denfeld, Rene
- Deng Xiaoping
- Deng Xiaoping -- and trip to U.S.
- Denial
- Denial -- and narcissism
- Denial -- as barrier to care
- Denial -- defined
- Denial of abuse
- Denicola, R.
- Denigration
- Denison University
- Denisovich, Ivan
- Denmark
- Denmark -- and economy
- Denmark -- and politics
- Denmark -- and society
- Denning, Michael
- Denny, Reginald
- Denny's restaurant
- Denski, S.
- Densmore, Dana
- Dent, Scott
- Denton, Jeremiah, compared to McCarthy
- Denton, Robert, Jr.
- Denver crime family
- Denver, CO
- Denzin, Norman
- Deontology
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)
- Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) -- Neighborhood Health Centers (NHC)
- Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) -- sterilization program
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of Labor -- on construction industry
- Department of Labor -- on electronics manufacturing
- Department of Labor -- on impact of NAFTA on jobs
- Department of Labor -- on janitorial industry
- Department of Labor -- on role of immigration in internationalization of U.S. economy
- Department of Science
- Department of Science -- absence of
- Department of Science -- dangers of
- Department of State
- department stores
- DePaul University, Death Penalty Clinic
- Dependence, fear of
- Dependency
- Dependency -- and seasoning by pimps
- Dependency -- economic
- Dependency -- roots of
- Dependency perspectives, development of underdevelopment, dependent development
- Dependency, attitudes toward
- Depersonalization
- depiction
- Deportation
- Deportation of Jews
- Deposit-currency ratio
- depression
- Depression -- and eating disorders
- Depression -- and Eliot
- Depression -- and Eliot's mother
- Depression -- and John Cross
- Depression -- as symptom of PTSD/sexual abuse
- Depression -- guilt and
- Depression -- in Dickens
- Depression Eliot, George, literary criticism of
- Depression of 1920–22
- Depression of the 1780s, in U.S.
- Depression, diagnostic criteria
- depression, the (1930s)
- Depressive position
- Depressive problems
- Depressive stage
- Deprivation
- Deprivation -- and detachment
- Deprivation -- in Little Dorrit
- Deprivation -- in orphan theme
- Deprivation of being
- Deprivation of inheritance
- Der, Henry
- Derealization
- Deregulation
- Derelict (pseud.) guild
- Deren, Maya
- Derevenshchiki
- Déri, Susan
- Derrida, J.
- Derrida, Jacques
- Derrida, Jacques -- 253n42
- Derrida, Jacques -- Archive Fever
- Derrida, Jacques -- metaphysics of presence
- Derrida, Jacques -- Of Grammatology
- Derrida, Jacques -- technics
- Derrida, Jaques
- Derridian dichotomies
- Derry, Ann
- Derry, Sharon J.
- Dershowitz, Alan, The Abuse Excuse
- Dery, Mark
- Desai, Anita
- Desai, S. G.
- Descartes, Rene
- Descartes, René -- Cartesian method
- descent
- description
- Desdemona (Othello)
- desegregation
- Desegregation -- in the North
- Desegregation -- in the South
- desegregation -- of health
- desegregation -- of hospitals
- desegregation -- of housing
- Desert based on labor principle
- Desert based on labor principle -- preference satisfaction and
- Desert based on labor principle -- under property-as-propriety
- Desert principle
- Desert Shield
- Deshmukh, Vilasrao
- desi (Indian–South Asian) performers
- design
- Designing Women
- Desirability issue
- desire
- Desire -- and absorption
- Desire -- and biology
- Desire -- and character
- Desire -- and charisma
- Desire -- and Conrad
- Desire -- and historical change
- Desire -- and imagery
- Desire -- and plot
- Desire -- and signifiers
- Desire -- and textuality
- Desire -- and the artist
- Desire -- changes in desire
- Desire -- female
- Desire -- for food
- Desire -- for identification
- Desire -- male
- Desire -- object of
- Desire -- sin as
- Desire -- sublimation and expression of
- Desire, sexual
- Desky, C
- despair
- Desperate Housewives
- Despised self
- Despret, Vinciane
- Dessa Rose
- Destler, I. M.
- Destructive Generation (Collier and Horowitz)
- Detached (resigned) solution
- Detached (resigned) solution -- defensive strategies of
- Detached (resigned) solution -- examples of in literature
- Detachment
- detective series
- detention
- Determinacy test, in contractarian theory
- Determination
- "Determination," Marxist theory of
- "Determining the Status of the Israelite Religious Community"
- determinism
- Deterrence
- Deterrence -- and orthodox economists
- Deterrence -- defined
- deterritorialized identities
- Détournement
- Detroit Free Press
- Detroit House of Corrections
- Detroit, MI
- Detroit, MI -- Democratic Union
- Detroit, MI -- drop-out rate
- Detroit, MI -- high schools
- Detroit, MI -- Local Opposed to Concessions
- Detroit, MI -- riots
- Detroit, MI -- workshop
- Deus Ex
- Deutcher, Isaac
- Deutero-Isaiah
- Deuteronomistic history
- Deutsch
- Deutsch, Felix
- Deutsch, G.
- Deutsch, H.
- Deutsch, Helene
- Deutsch, Jan G.
- Deutsch, M.
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Deuze, Mark
- Devadasi system of temple prostitution
- DeVardo, Lorenzo
- Developing countries
- Development
- Development communication
- Development Control Regulations
- Development of Psycho-Analysis (Ferenczi and Rank)
- Development projects, obstacles to
- Development, cognitive
- Development, cognitive -- and altruistic behavior
- Development, cognitive -- stages of
- Development, human, importance of context in study of
- Development(al)
- Development(al) -- analysis
- Development(al) -- arrest
- Development(al) -- difficulties
- Development(al) -- dilemmas
- Development(al) -- experiences
- Development(al) -- history
- Development(al) -- interpretations
- Development(al) -- issues
- Development(al) -- of consolidated identity
- Development(al) -- theorists
- Developmental lines
- Developmental metanarratives
- Developmental psychology -- biases in
- Developmental psychology -- challenging theories of
- Developmental psychology -- limited perspective of
- Developmental psychology -- new methods needed in
- Developmental psychology -- privileged metaphors in
- Developmental psychology -- sexism in
- Developmental theory, definition of
- Developmental-interactional approach
- developmentalism
- developmentalism -- cultural
- developmentalism -- economic
- developmentalism -- melodramas of
- developmentalism -- North Korea
- developmentalism -- Park regime
- developmentalism -- rural areas
- developmentalism -- Shin's films regarding
- developmentalism -- state
- developmentalism -- style of
- Devereux, G.
- Devereux, George
- Deviance neutralization, and prostitution
- "devichnik"
- DeVigal, Andrew
- Devine, Patricia
- DeVito, J. A.
- Devitt, M.
- Devitt, Rachel
- Devonshire Manuscript, The
- DeVoss, Dànielle
- DeVun, Leah
- Dewar, Margi
- Dewey Center for Urban Education
- Dewey, Davis R.
- Dewey, Donald, on William Cushing
- Dewey, J.
- Dewey, John
- Dewey, John -- on the decay of community in America
- Dewey, John -- The Public and Its Problems
- "DeWitt, John"
- Dewitt, Suzie
- Dexter
- Deyan (class member)
- Deyo, Richard A.
- Deyo, Richard A. -- "The Messenger under Attack—Intimidation of Researchers by Special Interest Groups"
- Dezaki, Osamu
- Dezutter, Olivier
- DH Answers
- Dharavi
- Dharavi -- Hindu–Muslim Riots
- Dharavi -- history and early development
- Dharavi -- illicit activity
- Dharavi -- industry
- Dharavi -- migration to
- Dharavi -- population estimates
- Dharavi -- redevelopment of
- Dharavi -- resistance and social mobilization
- Dharavi -- ward–based politics
- Dharavi Bachao Samiti (DBS)
- Dharavi Redevelopment Project
- Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP)
- di Leonardo, Micaela
- Di Stefano, Christine
- diagnosis
- diagnosis -- as "speculative operation"
- diagnosis -- as novelistic mode
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM): removal of homosexuality from
- Diagnostic process
- dialogic instruction
- dialogic instruction -- blogging and
- dialogic instruction -- effectiveness of
- dialogic instruction -- in demonstration lesson
- Dialogic relationship, in poetry
- dialogue
- Diamond v. Diehr
- Diamond, Edward
- Diamond, M.
- Diamond, Martin
- Diamond, Sara
- Diamond, Stanley
- Diaphor, defined
- diaries
- Diary in the Strict Sense of the Word, A
- diaspora -- African diaspora in the Americas
- diaspora -- deterritorialized identities
- diaspora -- diaspora studies
- diaspora -- gendered accounts
- Diaspora groups
- Diaspora Jews
- Diaspora nationalism
- diasporas
- diasporic formations
- Díaz, Angel Gilberto
- Diaz, Lucas
- Dibbell, J.
- DiBernard, Barbara
- DiBernardo, Robert
- DiBono, Louis
- DiCaprio, Leonardo
- Dicey, A. W.
- DiChiara, Gerald
- Dick, Manó
- Dick, Philip K.
- Dickens and Women (Slater)
- Dickens, Catherine (wife)
- Dickens, Catherine (wife) -- Dickens's relationship with
- Dickens, Catherine (wife) -- estrangement
- Dickens, Catherine (wife) -- influence on art of Dickens
- Dickens, Charles
- Dickens, Charles -- "problem" of
- Dickens, Charles -- A Tale of Two Cities
- Dickens, Charles -- Bleak House
- Dickens, Charles -- comments on Bede
- Dickens, Charles -- darker side of
- Dickens, Charles -- David Copperfield'
- Dickens, Charles -- disturbance in
- Dickens, Charles -- division between art and life in
- Dickens, Charles -- Dombey and Son
- Dickens, Charles -- emotional life of
- Dickens, Charles -- externalization of
- Dickens, Charles -- family life
- Dickens, Charles -- Great Expectations
- Dickens, Charles -- identification with characters in his works
- Dickens, Charles -- Little Dorrit
- Dickens, Charles -- need to reexperience infantile fantasy
- Dickens, Charles -- Oliver Twist
- Dickens, Charles -- on Scenes
- Dickens, Charles -- personal characteristics of
- Dickens, Charles -- relational problems of
- Dickens, Charles -- relations with his children
- Dickens, Charles -- relationship with his wife
- Dickens, Charles -- relationship with women
- Dickens, Charles -- richness of imaginative life of
- Dickens, Charles -- sexual behavior of
- Dickens, Charles -- unconscious dynamics of, in image of woman in his works
- Dickens, Charles, Great Expectations -- psychological function of art for
- Dickens, Charles, Hard Times
- Dickens, Fanny (sister)
- Dickens, Kate (daughter, later Kate Perrugini)
- Dickens: From Pickwick to Dombey (Marcus)
- Dickey, James
- Dicki, M.
- Dickinson College
- Dickinson, E.
- Dickinson, E. -- and psychosis
- Dickinson, E. -- erotic poetry, pro-portion of
- Dickinson, E. -- feminist criticism of
- Dickinson, E. -- sexual interpretations of
- Dickinson, Emily
- Dickinson, Emily -- describing poetry
- Dickinson, John
- Dickinson, John -- "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania"
- Dicks, Henry
- Dickson, William
- Dickstein, Morris
- dictatorship of the masses
- didacticism
- Diderot, Denis
- Didion, Joan
- Diebold, John
- diegesis, diegetic
- Dienst, E.
- Diesendorf, Mark
- diet
- Diet/Dieting
- Diet/Dieting -- ability to
- Diet/Dieting -- and despair
- Diet/Dieting -- as atonement
- Diet/Dieting -- chronic
- Diet/Dieting -- mentality
- Diet/Dieting -- of respondents
- Diet/Dieting -- patterns
- Diet/Dieting -- rigor
- Diet/Dieting -- to cope
- Dietz, Howard
- DiFeo, Pete
- Différance
- difference
- Difference -- bridging
- Difference -- celebrating
- Difference -- cultural
- difference -- defined
- Difference -- gender
- Difference -- negotiating
- difference -- physical
- difference -- politics of
- Difference -- racial
- Difference -- recognition of
- Difference -- visible
- Difference theory
- Difference, Diversity
- Different Directions
- Different voice
- Different voice -- Carol Gilligan
- Differential diagnosis
- Differentiation
- Differentiation -- capacity for
- Differentiation -- impairment of
- Differentiation -- me-we
- Differentiation -- us-them
- difficulty settings
- "Diffuse support" for political system
- Diffusion of innovations
- Diffusion of innovations -- Methodological critique of
- Diffusion of innovations, Lerner, Daniel
- DiFusco, John
- DiGacomo, Susan
- Digg
- Digging into Data Challenge
- Diggins, John
- Diggit
- Digital afterlife
- digital age
- digital age -- ethnographic research in
- digital age -- home and family in
- digital age -- identity, being, and becoming
- digital age -- late modernity, everyday living experience in
- digital age -- living and learning in
- digital age -- modern society, understanding change in
- digital age -- risky opportunities of
- digital age -- social change or social reproduction
- digital age -- weak ties in
- digital age -- World Challenge and
- digital cameras
- digital cameras -- in Teen Second Life
- digital cameras -- setting up
- digital cameras -- use in class
- Digital civics
- digital communication
- digital disciplines
- digital divide
- digital DJ-ing
- digital DJ-ing -- contemporary youth and
- digital DJ-ing -- in Hip-Hop Journalism class
- digital footprints
- digital history
- digital history -- origin of term
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities -- Beginnings (1949–early 1970s)
- Digital Humanities -- Consolidation (1970s–mid-1980s)
- Digital Humanities -- definition
- Digital Humanities -- Era of the Internet (1990s forward)
- Digital Humanities -- New Developments (mid-1980s–early 1990s)
- Digital Humanities Centers (DHC)
- Digital Humanities Luxembourg Symposium
- Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0
- Digital Humanities Now
- Digital Humanities Observatory
- Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ)
- Digital Humanities Research Group
- digital hypertext
- digital infrastructure
- digital literary
- digital media
- Digital Media and Learning Conference
- Digital Medievalist
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act
- Digital natives
- digital networked technology
- digital networked technology -- face-to-face networks underpinned by
- digital networked technology -- for connection and disconnection
- digital networked technology -- forms of knowledge clash with
- digital networked technology -- opportunities for out-of-school and lifelong learning
- digital networked technology -- parents and
- digital networked technology -- self construction through
- digital networked technology -- smaller and more portable goods
- digital networked technology -- society and
- digital networked technology -- standing for learning
- digital networked technology -- youths' and society's positive connections from
- digital pedagogy
- digital photography
- digital photography -- in Hip-Hop Journalism class
- digital photography -- professional development session on
- Digital poetry
- Digital poetry -- characteristics of
- Digital poetry -- definition of
- Digital poetry -- effects on poetry drafts
- Digital Publics
- Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
- Digital Research Summer Institute
- Digital Research Summer Institute (DRSI)
- digital revolution
- digital rhetoric
- digital storytelling
- Digital Studies/Le Champ Numérique
- digital technology
- digital technology -- and collective intelligence
- digital technology -- and new literacies
- digital technology -- and peer pedagogy
- digital technology -- and relational aspects of class
- digital technology -- frustrations with
- digital technology -- hip-hop culture and
- digital technology -- learning principles related to
- digital technology -- material intelligence of
- digital technology -- mediating student learning with
- digital technology -- student enthusiasm about
- Digital video recorder
- Digital video recorder (DVR)
- Digital World Expo
- digital writing
- digital writing -- literary print returns
- digital writing -- medium makes a difference
- digital writing -- secret life of technics
- digital writing -- what print narratives remember and forget
- Digital Youth Project
- Digital.Humanities@Oxford
- DigitalGuide hints feature
- digitization
- DiGiuseppe, N.
- Dignaga
- Dignity
- Dignity of employees
- Dignity, restored in prison
- Dik, Isaac Meir
- Dika, Vera
- Dildine, J. W.
- Dill, Bonnie Thornton
- Dillard University
- Dillard University -- Art Department
- Dillard, Annie
- Dillon v. frank, 1992 U.S. App. LEXIS 766 (6th Cir. 1992)
- Dillon, Ernest
- Dilruba (class member)
- Dilruba (class member) -- bedroom
- Dilruba (class member) -- ego network of
- Dilruba (class member) -- Facebook use for friendships
- Dilruba (class member) -- family and neighborhood friends
- Dilruba (class member) -- identity forming beyond networks
- Dilruba (class member) -- mother's travel restrictions on
- Dilruba (class member) -- on emotional climate created by teacher
- Dilruba (class member) -- school play audition
- Dilruba (class member) -- Twitter for connection to adult world
- DiMaggio, P.
- Diminished capacity
- Diminution of affect
- Dimitrova, D. C.
- Dimock, Wai Chee, "deep time"
- Dimon, Menahem
- Dindić, Zoran
- Diner, Hasia
- Dingo case
- "DINK"
- Dinnerstein, Dorothy
- Dinshaw, Carolyn
- Dinur, Ben Zion
- Diodotus
- Dion, Celine
- Dionne, E. J., Jr.
- Diotima
- Diplomacy
- Diplomacy -- and John Jay's return to, in 1794
- Diplomacy -- John Jay's views about
- direct message (DM) function
- Direct-indirect disclosure of sexual orientation
- direction of fit
- Directive No. 15
- Directive No. 15 -- proposed modification
- Directive on Enlisted Administrative Separations
- DirecTV
- dirt
- Dirt, criminals as
- "Dirty hands"
- Disabilities
- Disabilities -- and stigma
- Disabilities -- coverage under ADA
- Disabilities -- debilitating effects of categorization
- Disabilities -- definition under Social Security Act
- Disabilities -- definitional problems
- Disabilities -- exclusions under ADA
- Disabilities -- health care funding
- Disabilities -- importance of storytelling to overcome differences
- Disabilities -- people who lie between the categories able-bodied and disabled
- Disabilities -- respectful terminology
- Disabilities, human
- Disabilities, human -- and "full inclusion"
- Disabilities, human -- and immigration legislation
- Disabilities, human -- and New Right
- Disabilities, human -- representations of
- Disability -- and standpoint epistemology
- Disability -- identity through
- Disability -- literature by women with
- Disability -- rights
- Disability -- women with
- Disability Rag
- disability: constructions of
- Disability: model of
- Disappearance (film, Shin)
- Disappointment
- Disasters (personal and political)
- Discharge of union supporters
- Disciplinarity
- Disciplinarity -- and academic job market
- Disciplinarity -- and external constituencies
- Disciplinarity -- and institutional change
- Disciplinarity -- and paradigm shift in cultural studies
- Disciplinarity -- and postmodern university
- disciplinary knowledge, teachers and
- discipline
- discipline -- exploring theme of
- discipline -- inequitable practices of
- discipline -- problems at V-Tech
- Discipline, parental
- Disclosure
- Disclosure -- of confidential secrets
- Disclosure -- through language
- Disclosure of HIV status
- Disclosure of HIV status -- and isolation
- Disclosure of HIV status -- and risk reduction
- Disclosure of HIV status -- and women
- Disclosure of HIV status -- cultural factors
- Disclosure of HIV status -- facilitation
- Disclosure of HIV status -- to children
- discomfort
- disconnection
- disconnection -- clique through Facebook
- disconnection -- digital technology for
- disconnection -- home-to-school communication
- disconnection -- of home and school
- disconnection -- with public anxieties and young people's experiences
- disconnection -- World Challenge and
- Discount coupons
- discours d'autrui
- Discourse components
- Discourse functions
- discourse on hip-hop
- discourse on hip-hop -- post-racial discourse
- discourse on hip-hop -- racialized aspects
- discourse, defined
- discourse(s)
- Discovery research, neglect of, in social science research
- Discreditable
- Discredited
- Discretion: as mandate for lesbians and gay men
- discrimination
- discrimination -- and merit
- Discrimination -- anti-union
- discrimination -- education
- discrimination -- employment
- Discrimination -- experiences of
- discrimination -- mathematical
- Discrimination -- official approval of
- discrimination -- racial
- discrimination -- rational
- discrimination -- reverse
- Discrimination -- strategies for overcoming
- discrimination -- unconscious
- disease
- Disease -- distributing society
- Disease -- nomenclature of
- Disease -- theorizing etiologies of
- Disease -- theorizing pathophysiologies of
- "Disease- or Patho-Neuroses" (Ferenczi)
- disembedding mechanisms
- Disembodiment
- Disembodiment -- and incest assault
- Disembodiment -- Patricia Hearst
- Disembodiment -- proprostitution
- Disenchantment: Madame Bovary as a novel of
- disengagement
- Disengagement -- Patricia Hearst
- disequilibrium
- disestablishment
- disguise
- disgust
- Disinflation
- Disinheritance theme
- Disintegration
- Disintegration -- as a stage in the creative process
- Disintegration -- fantasies of
- Disintegration -- fear of
- Disintegration -- fragmentation
- Disinterestedness
- "Dislocation"
- Disney
- Disney productions
- Disney, Walt
- Disorderly conduct
- Dispatches (Herr)
- displacement
- Displacement -- in "David Sings before Saul"
- Displacement -- in Rilke's conception of Rodin's art
- displacing responsibility
- displacing responsibility -- accountability
- displacing responsibility -- equity
- display story
- disposability
- Dispossession
- "disruption-as-renewal" (Pavlić)
- Disruptive first grader
- Disruptive preschool boy
- Dissembling
- Dissembling -- Patricia Hearst
- Dissent
- Dissent -- "right to"
- Dissent -- and truth
- Dissent -- Clarence Thomas
- Dissent -- loyalty
- Dissent -- posturing
- Dissent -- Shelby Steele
- Dissent -- Stephen Carter
- Dissent -- U.S. Supreme Court procedure
- dissidents
- Dissociation
- Dissociation -- alteration in consciousness
- Dissociation -- and incest assault
- Dissociation -- and numbness
- Dissociation -- and self-injury
- Dissociation -- as coping technique
- Dissociation -- defined
- Dissociation -- Patricia Hearst
- Dissociation -- proprostitution
- Dissociation -- splitting
- dissociation model
- "Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex, The" (Freud)
- Distancing
- Distancing -- Patricia Hearst
- Distancing -- proprostitution
- Distant Thunder
- Distress
- distributed agency
- distributed principle of learning
- distributed principle of learning -- blogging and
- Distribution
- Distribution -- international redistribution
- Distribution, problems with
- Distributive shares, economic systems and
- District 5 Neighborhood Recovery Group
- District Council of Carpenters
- "disturbed, emotionally," concept
- Diszel (town)
- diverse
- Diversification, trends in
- Diversifying
- diversity
- diversity -- civility toward
- diversity -- discrimination
- diversity -- ethnic and racial
- diversity -- family, social change and
- diversity -- of ego network
- diversity -- of media in home
- diversity -- segregation
- Diversity -- student
- Diversity movement
- Divinyls, The, "I Touch Myself"
- Division of labor
- Division of labor -- in bureaucracy
- Division of labor -- in ethics
- Division of labor -- in science
- divorce
- Divorce Law Reform Union
- Divorce legislation
- Dixon, B.
- Dixon, J.
- Dixon, Nancy: Common Knowledge: How Companies Thrive by Sharing What They Know
- Dixon, Thomas
- Dixon, William (Gary Hart's campaign manager)
- Dixson, Joyce
- DIY aesthetic
- DIY citizenship
- Diždarević, Zlatko
- DJ culture
- DJ culture -- Bay Area
- DJ culture -- exclusion of Filipino DJs
- DJ culture -- gendered space
- DJ culture -- racialized aspects
- DJ culture -- racially neutral aspects
- DJ culture -- status hierarchy
- DJ Jazzy Jeff
- DJ Krush
- Djilas, Milovan
- DJing -- an element of hip-hop
- DJing -- music creation potential
- DJs
- DJs -- female DJs
- DJs -- generations of
- DJs -- income
- DJs -- names
- DKP (Dragon Kill Points)
- Dmitrieva, S. I.
- DNA typing
- Do the Right Thing
- Doane, Mary Ann
- Dobbin (Vanity Fair)
- Dobin, Joel
- Dobraczynski, J.
- Dobrushka, Moshe
- Dobzhansky, Theodosius
- Doctor Who
- Doctor, Doctor
- Doctoral programs, shrinkage of
- Doctoroff, Mica
- Doctoroff, Mica -- associate
- Doctorow, Cory
- doctors
- Doctors Without Borders
- documentary films
- documentary films -- produced by National Liberation Front
- Docuvideos
- Dodds, E. R.
- Dodge, Martin
- Dodo bird
- Dodsely v. Kinnersley
- Doe v. Boeing
- Doe v. Commonwealth
- Dog of Flanders, A
- Dog Soldiers (Stone)
- Dogg, Chris
- Dogon traditions
- Dohrn, Bernardine
- Doidge, Norman, The Brain That Changes Itself
- Doin' Time: Through the Visiting Glass
- Dolby, George
- Dole-Lieberman bill
- Dole-Lieberman bill -- Clinton veto of
- Dole-Lieberman bill -- to end arms embargo against Bosnia
- Dole, Elizabeth
- Dole, Robert -- attitudes toward homosexuality
- Dole, Robert -- contribution to, by Log Cabin Federation
- Dole, Senator Robert
- Dolent, Jean
- Doll's House, A (Ibsen)
- Doll's House, A (Ibsen) -- analysis of
- Dollar
- Dollar -- decline of
- Dollar -- gold standard and
- Dollar -- low
- Dollar -- supremacy of
- Dollard, John
- dolls
- Domar, Evsey
- Dombey and Son (Dickens)
- Dome Island.
- Domenici, Sen. Pete
- Domestic
- Domestic -- economic dislocation
- Domestic -- issues
- Domestic -- policy
- Domestic -- politics
- domestic abuse
- Domestic Action Program
- Domestic labor
- Domestic labor and trafficking
- domestic media
- domestic media -- parental cultural capital influence on
- domestic media -- parents' management of
- Domestic partnership
- Domestic partnership definitions
- Domestic partnership definitions -- as bipolar model
- Domestic partnership definitions -- as compared to marriage definitions
- Domestic partnership definitions -- as step toward recognition of marriage
- Domestic partnership definitions -- definition under Social Security Act
- Domestic partnership definitions -- in City of Berkeley
- Domestic partnership definitions -- in City of Boston
- Domestic partnership definitions -- in San Francisco
- domestic sphere
- domestic tasks
- Domestic violence
- Domestic violence -- and trauma
- Domestic violence -- battering
- Domestic violence -- frequency of
- Domestic workers, Social Security exemption of
- dominance
- Dominance -- adult needs in narcissism
- Dominance -- divinized
- Dominance -- male
- Dominance -- of flesh
- Dominance -- patriarchal
- Dominance -- power structure
- Dominance seeking
- dominant
- dominant caste thesis
- dominant cultural logic of social networks
- Dominant culture
- Dominant culture -- and assimilation
- Dominant culture -- and ideology
- Dominant culture -- gay men's influence on
- dominant story of separation of church and state
- domination
- Domination -- encoded in human beings
- Domination -- patriarchal
- Dominguez Hills, CA
- Dominguez, CA
- Dominguez, Virginia R.
- Dominic (Dom) (class member)
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- choice biography
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- digital media restrictions
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- enrichment activities
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- extracurricular levels
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- from affluent middle-class home
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- learning approach
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- on Facebook
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- spheres of life connection
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- the class relationships
- Dominic (Dom) (class member) -- Twitter and
- Domino
- Domino theory
- Domino, Fats
- Domostroi
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- announced
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- classification of statements as conduct
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- conditions for separation under
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- discharges under
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- restrictions imposed by
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy -- status/ conduct split in
- Donagan, Alan
- Donald Duck
- Donaldson, Jeff
- Donation behavior
- Donato, Theresa Marie Katherine
- Donelson, K. L.
- Doniger, Wendy
- Donmeh, Jewish-Moslem sect of the
- Donne, John
- Donnellan, Ed
- Donnelly, Ignatius
- Donovan, J.
- Donovan, Joan
- Donovan, Mortimer J.
- Doo-rag
- Dooce
- Doogie Howser, M.D.
- Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.)
- Doolittle, James R.
- Doom
- DOOM -- Bible
- DOOM -- novelizations
- DOOM -- ports to other platforms
- DOOM -- sales of
- Doom 3
- Doom II
- DoomEd
- DooMed Speed Demos Archive
- Doonesbury
- DOOR Hollywood
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- Deutsch's account of
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- dream interpretation during
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- negative therapeutic reaction in
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- paradox of neurosis and
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- patient deception during
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- professional criticisms of
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- summary of
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- techniques used in
- Dora (Ida Bauer) case -- termination of
- Dora the Explorer
- Dore, Ronald
- Dore, Ronald -- amorphous village groups
- Dore, Ronald -- role of juniors
- Dorfman, Allen
- Dorfman, Ariel
- Dorfman, Joseph
- Dorfment, Paul
- Dorn, Edward
- Dorn, Walter
- Dornbush, Rudigar
- Dorothea Brooke (Middlemarch)
- Dorothée
- Dorson, Richard M.
- Dorst, John
- DOSE (Divas of Style Entertainment) (all-female DJ crew)
- Dossal, Mariam
- Dossey, Larry
- Dostoevsky, Feodor
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- Crime and Punishment
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- Notes From a Dead House
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- Notes from Underground
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- The Brothers Karamazov
- Dot-com boom
- dot-com crash
- Dothan, Ala.
- Dothard v. Rawlinson
- Doty, Cate
- Double (the double)
- Double bind
- double burden
- Double standard
- Double standard -- condoms and promotion of prostitution
- Double standard -- nineteenth-century England
- "Double" theme
- Dougherty, J. W. D.
- Dougherty, Jack, Writing History in the Digital Age
- Douglas Aircraft
- Douglas Coalition
- Douglas, Aaron
- Douglas, Frederick
- Douglas, Keith
- Douglas, Lord Alfred
- Douglas, Lord Alfred -- "Two Loves"
- Douglas, M.
- Douglas, Mary
- Douglas, Mary -- Purity and Danger
- Douglas, Paul
- Douglas, Susan
- Douglas, William O.
- Douglass, Frederick
- Douglass, Frederick -- Afrocentrism attributed to
- Douglass, Frederick -- Analysis of music
- Douglass, Frederick -- authorial voice
- Douglass, Frederick -- authorial voice -- as a slave autobiographer achieving personhood
- Douglass, Frederick -- authorial voice -- nothing–man binary in
- Douglass, Frederick -- authorial voice -- of Euro-American rhetoric of freedom
- Douglass, Frederick -- black spirituality and
- Douglass, Frederick -- conversion from ox to man
- Douglass, Frederick -- his fight with Covey
- Douglass, Frederick -- lacking fear of death
- Douglass, Frederick -- mechanism and determinism in
- Douglass, Frederick -- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
- Douglass, Frederick -- on human domination and force as power
- Douglass, Frederick -- preferring death to bondage
- Douglass, Frederick -- Signifyin'
- Douglass, Frederick -- Wind Done Gone
- Douglass, Frederick -- works
- Douglass, Frederick -- works -- "The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered"
- Douglass, Frederick -- works -- My Bondage and my Freedom
- Douglass, J. A.
- Dourish, P.
- Dove
- Dover, C.
- Dovzhenko, Aleksandr (filmmaker)
- Dow Chemical Company
- Dow Jones
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Dow Jones Industrial Average, and response to low unemployment
- Dowd, J.
- Dowd, M.
- Dowd, Mark
- Dowler, W.
- Dowling, Patricia
- Down syndrome
- Down syndrome -- and immigration legislation
- Down syndrome -- and New Right
- Down syndrome -- representations of
- down-page story
- Downer, Carol
- Downer, Silas
- Downs, Frederick
- Downs, V.
- Downsizing
- Downsizing -- effect on African American employment levels
- Downward spacial dimension, and prison
- Dowry and bride price, Convention Against Sexual Exploitation
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "A Case of Identity"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "A Scandal in Bohemia"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "Black Peter"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "Charles Augustus Milverton"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The ‘Gloria Scott,'"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Abbey Grange"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Adventure of the Final Problem"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Adventure of the Missing Three Quarter"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Adventure of the Norwood Builder"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Beryl Coronet"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Boscombe Valley Mystery"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Copper Beeches"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Crooked Man"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Dancing Men"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Empty House"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Engineer's Thumb"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Final Problem"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Golden Pince-Nez"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Greek Interpreter"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Man with the Twisted Lip"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Musgrave Ritual"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Naval Treaty"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Noble Bachelor"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Norwood Builder"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Second Stain"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Six Napoleons"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- "The Speckled Band"
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- A Study in Scarlet
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- Sherlock Holmes
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- The Sign of Four
- Doyle, Richard
- Dr. Bonham's Case (1610)
- Dr. Dre
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
- Drabble, Margaret: The Ice Age
- Drachman, Bernard
- Dracott, Alice E.
- Draenei
- Draft
- Draft controversy
- Draft controversy -- as a crisis of ambition versus ideals
- Draft controversy -- as a developmental crisis for Clinton
- Draft controversy -- chronology of crisis
- Draft controversy -- Clinton as a victim of partisan attacks
- Draft controversy -- Clinton's explanations during
- Draft controversy -- Clinton's role in anti-war movement
- Draft controversy -- Clinton's view of his special treatment
- Draft controversy -- difficulties of reconstruction
- Draft controversy -- dilemma of the war
- Draft controversy -- issue of receiving draft notice
- Draft controversy -- issue of special treatment
- Draft controversy -- letter to draft board
- Draft controversy -- relatedness as an element of
- Draft controversy -- role of ambition
- Draft controversy -- ROTC deferment
- Draft controversy -- sense of entitlement in
- Dragnet
- Dragon Ball
- Drake, Dale
- drama of proof
- Dramatic writing, Dickens's
- Drašković, Vuk
- Dravid, R. R.
- Dravidian Nights
- Dread
- Dread -- of woman
- Dread -- regarding sexuality
- Dread -- sense of, in Dickens
- Dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation -- Freud's approach to
- "Dream of the ‘Clever Baby,' The" (Ferenczi)
- Dream of the Red Chamber
- Dream Stage
- DREAMers
- DREAMers -- "Dear Senators … 2011"
- DREAMers -- "My Name is Mohammad …"
- DREAMers -- "No More Closets" campaign
- DREAMers -- "Undocribs" videos
- DREAMers -- "Undocuqueers"
- DREAMers -- define American
- DREAMers -- Dream Act provisions
- DREAMers -- Dream Team LA
- DREAMers --
- DREAMers -- Dreamers Adrift
- DREAMers -- DREAMing Out Loud!
- DREAMers -- National Coming Out of the Shadows Week
- DREAMers -- National DREAM Graduation
- DREAMers -- Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project (QUIP)
- DREAMers -- The Dream Is Coming
- DREAMers -- United We Dream network
- DREAMers' stories archive
- DREAMers' stories archive -- affective
- DREAMers' stories archive -- fragile
- Dreams
- Dreams -- and dissociation
- Dreams -- discerning
- Dreams -- haunting
- Dreams -- of respondents
- Dreams and Hysteria (Freud)
- Dreams, Illusion, and Other Realities
- Dreiser, Theodore
- Dreiser, Theodore, Debs compared to
- Dreizin, Felix
- Dremeaux, Lillie
- Dress and appearance codes
- Dressler, Joshua
- Drew Medical School
- Drew Medical Society
- Drew, Carey
- Drew, Charles R.
- Drew, E.
- Drew, Elizabeth
- Drew, Sylvia
- Dreyfus Affair
- Dreyfus, Alfred
- Drezner, D.
- drinking
- Driscoll, Kevin
- Drive
- Drive model
- Drive theory
- Drive theory -- critiques, of
- Drive theory -- repudiation of
- Drive-by shootings
- Drive-oriented perspective
- Drive(s)
- Drives, sexual
- Dronenburg v. Zech
- Dronke, Peter
- Dronzek, Anna
- "Drop It Like It's Hoppe"
- "Drop It Like It's Hot"
- dropouts, high school
- Dropping out of school
- Dropping out of school -- poor opinion of school as cause of
- Dropping out of school -- rate of, among poor youth
- Dropping out of school -- rate of, at studied school
- Dropping out of school -- risk for
- Dror, Y.
- Drower
- Drozhzhin, Spiridon D.
- Drucker, Johanna
- Drucker, Johanna -- speculative computing
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- Drug rehabilitation programs
- Drug testing
- Drug use
- Drug use -- attitudes toward
- Drug use -- interview protocol on
- Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
- drugs
- drugs -- activism against
- Drugs -- and prostitution
- drugs -- criminalization of
- drugs -- overdoses
- Drugs -- prevention programs
- drugs -- treatment programs
- druids
- druids -- critical thinking skills, and customizing
- druids -- cross-cultural encounters and
- druids -- described
- Drumbl, Mark A.
- Drummond, D. A.
- drunkenness
- Druzhnikov, Yuri
- Dryades Street
- Dryzek, J.
- Du Bois, W. E. B.
- Du Bois, W. E. B. -- Philadelphia Negro
- Du Bois, W. E. B. -- Souls of Black Folk
- Du Bois, W.E.B.
- du Maurier, Daphne: Jamaica Inn
- Du Pont, takeovers by
- Dual inheritance model
- Dual unionism
- dual-sue domain
- Dubbert, Joe
- Dube, S. C.
- Duberman, Martin
- Dubinsky, David
- Dubnow, Simon
- Dubois, A. J.
- Dubois, Cora
- DuBois, D. L.
- DuBois, W. E. B.
- DuBois, W. E. B., on economics as basis of power
- Dubos, Rene
- Dubrovnik
- Dubrovnik -- shelling of
- Duchamp, Marcel
- Duché, Jacob
- Ducheneaut, N.
- duCille, Ann
- Duck, S.
- Duderstadt Center Gallery
- Duderstadt, James
- Dudko, Dmitrii
- Dudley, Juanita
- Dudley, Lucilla Yseult
- Dudziak, Mary
- Due process
- Due process of law
- Duel to the Death (1898)
- dueling
- Duerr, Hans Peter
- Duffey, Eliza
- Duffield, George
- Duffy, S. M.
- Dufrasne, Marie
- Dugan, John
- Duggan, Lisa
- Dugger, C.
- Duguid, Paul
- Duhl, Gregory E.
- Dukakis, Michael
- Dukakis, Michael S.
- Dukakis, Michael S. -- concern with emotional state of
- Dukakis, Michael, accuses Bush campaign of McCarthyism
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Duke University
- Duke University, Center for Academic Integrity
- Duke, David
- Duke, David -- death penalty
- Duke, David -- distinguished from Clarence Thomas
- Duker, Abraham
- Dukes, Géza
- Dukhobors
- Dulany, Daniel
- Dulles, John Foster
- Dumas, C. E.
- Dumas, Ernest
- Dumont, Louis
- dumps
- dumps -- in Africa
- dumps -- in China
- dumps -- in India
- dumps -- in southeast Asia
- Dunbar, Paul Lawrence
- Duncan-Andrade, Jeffrey M.
- Duncan, Patrick
- Duncan, S.
- Duncombe, Stephen
- Duncombe, Stephen -- Dream
- Dundes, Alan
- Duneier, Mitchell
- dungeons
- dungeons -- described
- dungeons -- instances and
- dungeons -- nostalgia runs and
- dungeons -- raiding
- dungeons -- TBC and
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dunham, Vera
- Dunlap, Gallup, and Gallup
- Dunlap, IL
- Dunlap, Riley E.
- Dunlop, John
- Dunn, John
- Dunn, Patrick
- Dunne, Anthony
- Dunner, Aharon
- Dunning, William
- Duns Scotus, John
- Dunston, Gordon Reginald
- Duong Thu Huong
- Dupee, F. W.
- Dupont, Judith
- DuPont, Lamont
- Dupuy, Jean-Pierre
- Durade, Francois D'Albert
- Durant, John
- Durcharbeitung (Freud)
- Durden, Charles
- duress
- Durgahdas, G.
- Durham, Milton J.
- Durkheim, E.
- Durkheim, Emile
- Durkheim, Emile, on the power of the sacred
- Durkheimian tradition
- Durova, Nadezhda
- Durrett, Shawn
- Dury, Loïc
- Duse, Eleanora
- Duse, Eleonora
- Dusinberre, William
- Dussel, Enrique
- Dutch rescuers of Jews
- Dutton, Grant
- Dutton, Grant, "Bread"
- Dutton, W.
- duty
- duty -- in American Revolution
- duty -- in American tradition
- duty -- in Debs
- Duty -- in Little Dorrit
- duty -- in Phillips
- Duty -- in reparation
- duty -- in Welch
- duty -- prophetic
- Duty -- source of concept of
- Duty of loyalty
- Duxbury, Neal
- Duxbury, Neil
- Duyme, Michel
- Duyvendak, Jan Willem
- DVR.
- Dwarfs
- Dwight, Theodore
- Dwight, Timothy
- Dwinell, J.
- Dwire, George J. "Jeff"
- Dworkin-MacKinnon Ordinance
- Dworkin, Andrea
- Dworkin, Andrea -- on intercourse
- Dworkin, Andrea -- pornography
- Dworkin, Gerald
- Dworkin, R.
- Dworkin, Ronald
- Dworkin, Ronald -- and Clarence Thomas
- Dworkin, Ronald -- and legal interpretation
- Dworkin, Ronald -- law and literature
- Dworkin, Ronald -- theory of law as integrity
- Dworkin, Susan
- Dwyer, Daisy H.
- Dwyer, Owen J.
- Dye, Dale
- Dyer-Witheford, Nick
- Dyer-Witheford, Nick, Cyber-Marx
- Dyer, Alfred
- Dyer, Mary, celebrated by Phillips as martyr
- Dyer, Richard
- Dyer, T. F.
- Dylan, Bob
- Dymally, Mervyn
- Dynamic Backend Generator
- dynamic lighting
- Dynamic Rockers (b-boy crew)
- "Dynamics of Transference, The" (Freud)
- Dynamism
- dynamite
- dynamite narrative
- Dysfunction
- Dyson, Freeman
- Dyson, Michael Eric
- Dyson, Michael Eric -- East, the